> Why do Women Cheat So Easily




Why do Women Cheat So Easily

Why do Women Cheat So Easily (By Jake Butler)

Women love drama and gossip in their lives. It’s the truth. Women get bored extremely easily and need constant attention and drama in their lives. Once the man settles down in love, the woman starts unsettling.

They’re confused about their feelings almost all the time. A girl may love her man generally, but her mood swings ebb and flow like the tides of the sea. She likes her man sometimes, and she bitches about him at other times. Add another man into the equation and it’s a teen sitcom.

It’s ridiculously easy to make a girl doubt her own boyfriend. All another guy has to do is point a few flaws, talk sweet, touch her in a few places, and she’ll start to think her boyfriend’s a loser and the new guy is a sex god who’s in love with her.

Women always think they’re in a relationship crisis. When a woman’s life’s not crackling with romantic and sexual electricity, they always think their relationship sucks. Women say they don’t like vibrating, entertaining sex toys and dildos, but yet they want men to behave like one.

Women think they’re too good. Almost all women think they’re too good for their boyfriend. With that kind of logic, it’s easy to stray when a “better guy” comes along to play.

Women cheat for the dumbest reasons. Men cheat because they find someone sexy. Women cheat for the dumbest of reasons, to prove a point, to get back at her man, to let him know she’s not getting enough attention, to get something they really want and more dumb reasons.

Do women really ever want to be happy? Really, a woman could be in a perfect long term relationship with a perfect guy. But all she has to do is meet another great guy who knows how to steal a girl and she’ll do his bidding in no time. Perhaps, women think they like being happy when in reality, all they want is to experience bursts of happiness and lots of confusions all the time.

- By Jake Butler

Source: http://www.lovepanky.com/men/guy-talk/why-do-women-cheat-so-easily