> Twin Flames are the Ultimate Power Couple




Twin Flames are the Ultimate Power Couple

Twin Flames are the Ultimate Power Couple

“Twin Flames are the ultimate power couple and are powerful. The energy between Twin Flames is so intense that it is unlikely that both will not feel it. The attraction between them is too strong to deny and keeps them BOTH coming back together. Their time apart is never too long and they are never too far away. Twin Flames are the last ‘soul mate’ you will ever have on this earth meaning this IS your last lifetime here on earth… meaning all your lessons and karmic relationships are up (or are needed to be taken care of ASAP) and it is now time to move to a higher level of existence.”

- Llady Sorcha (Twin Flame Guru)

“Twin Flames experience a different level of connection/bonding and love which can be very intense and magical. Twin Flames are ALREADY paired above and it is the goal to make it so below. There can not be two twin flames per one person. There is ONLY one. When Twin Flames are meant to be together they will be together at the same time on the same plane.”

- Llady Sorcha (Twin Flame Guru)

Here are some twin flame signs and symptoms experiences mentioned by twin flames!

1. The two of you are inseparable.

2. Your conversations seem to go on forever.

3. You give to the other and never think of receiving in return.

4. There are no restrictions within the relationship, all is freedom without the need for ownership or control.

5. You do not compete with one another nor do you pretend to be other than who you are.

6. Chances are you’ve met through a set of unusual circumstances, totally unplanned and unexpected.

7. You felt an immediate and deep connection for one another.

8. There are no barriers between the two of you, the relationship is a totally open one.

- http://www.squidoo.com/twin-flame-signs

He (or she) is your Twin Flame if:

1) He’s still in the picture and you’ve seen each other’s glory and you’ve seen each other’s $h*t!

2) You’re willing to let him go, even if he is amazing, if he doesn’t treat you like the goddess you truly are

3) Your inner child is healed and has cleared abandonment and abuse traumas

4) You can surrender to the moment, and being apart doesn’t make you crazy, it feels like a lightness even though you may miss him

5) All (or at least most) of your love addictions are cleared and resolved

6) The love between you both is balanced, where both partners love each other equally, perhaps in different ways

7) Both partners are emotionally available, with the man and woman available to express fears, joys, sadness, etc

8) Both parties are on an Ascension Path and are focused on self-discovery, soul evolution, spiritual connection, and service

9) Neither partner is involved in a marriage or past relationship that is unresolved, which would leak sexual energy from the Twin Flame counterpart

10) Both members are energetically clear and take care of their own healing in body, mind and spirit. This may look different for each member (one may be a raw vegan and the other a meat eating body builder!) but both people have brought a lot of light into their bodies

11) Your partner aligns you to be in service, step further into self-love, self-empowerment, and the Sacred Union supports your growth

- http://www.twinflamesigns.com/twin-flame-problem/twin-flame-counterfeit-signs

“Have you noticed when you look in the mirror and make a face you see that same face looking back at you? Well let us apply this idea to a twin flame relationship. You spend a lot of time wondering if it is going to work if he/she is going to turn around. And when nothing happens in the time frame you feel is right you start to think about giving up. Well here is where the mirror image comes in. Because he is reflective this would mean he reflects the hopes, doubts, fears, thoughts and disappointment that we feel. Of course you feel this because he/she isn’t doing any thing unfortunately as we feel these things about him/her he/she starts to doubt it will work, fear you will not or do not want him/her. And the roller coaster ride of doubt and fear on both sides start.”

- How Ego Can Hinder A Twin Flame Relationship by Richee on February 13, 2013

“Please remember that a great deal of the problems in a TF relationship can be seen on both sides of the relationship because of the soul connection many of the issues are the same to some degree on both sides…

As soon as you refocus inward to your higher self and be very honest with your self about the baggage you are carrying and the ego the size of the empire state building that is constantly whispering in your ears about your TFs short comings then began to do something about them he/she will also start to take care of that which appears to be such a major problem in his/her life…

Baggage may not always be recognizable as such in our own lives…but past relationship issues that are unresolved and unreleased, fears and doubts about the TF’s feeling which are usually confused with the ego’s feelings…and accepted as the “true feelings” in the situation…learning to recognize that the body and soul are not the same until they have merged on both a conscious and subconscious level which leaves no room for the ego to ruin things and set up false scenarios with the help of it’s ever present friend chaos. All baggage must be cleared away but it must first be recognized as such…Chaos does not need a lot to work with ego and baggage gives it an enormous amount of building blocks to put that wall up between you and your TF a wall that you are unaware of your part in building which makes it all the more difficult to remove…”

- How Ego Can Hinder A Twin Flame Relationship by Richee on February 13, 2013

“You would like your twin flame to let go of his/her ego so that the higher self may direct the body…You must know that because of the connection between you as long as your ego is ruling the day your twin souls ego will also do the same…

I know that many of you are not really aware of the ego still being in control. When the ego is in control you experience fear, doubt, worry, confusion and bouts of concern as to if and when your TF relationship will work out…

When the Soul is allowed to be in control of this entire journey there is a “knowing” about how everything will come out…remember the affirmation “I am now one with my higher self my higher self guides my daily life and shows me how to love and be loved by my twin flame.” You have got the first part right now you need to work on the rest of that affirmation being manifested in your lives… So that it will also manifest in your TF’s life as well…”

- How Ego Can Hinder A Twin Flame Relationship by Richee on February 13, 2013

“More powerful than the connection of Soul Mates is the love between Twin Flames. Why are they called ‘Twin Flames’? It’s because they stem from the same divine spark. All Twin Flames are Soul Mates. However, not all Soul Mates are Twin Flames.

If you’re seeking your Twin Flame, you must first work on self-development. When you focus on healing your body, heart and soul, chances are very good that your Twin will find you. Though your introduction to each other may seem coincidental, you will both meet when you are ready to work. However, your first meeting will be absolutely divine!”

- Dare to Meet Your Twin Flame or Twin Soul by Richee on March 4, 2013

“Twin Flames don’t meet by chance. The only reason that Twin Flames come together in the same lifetime is to fulfill a shared mission. Their abilities, feelings and heightened awareness are all intensified by design. The love, passion and energy levels of each Twin Flame are doubled beyond normal human levels in order to achieve an all-important joint mission. So are their talents, gifts and abilities.

The mission is never small. If you indeed succeed in recognizing who you both are, if you accept, honor and fulfill your mission, it will positively impact the world, and the cosmos.”

- Dare to Meet Your Twin Flame or Twin Soul by Richee on March 4, 2013

“To be born on planet Earth means arriving with amnesia so Twin Flames must first figure out why they feel such a strong physical, emotional and spiritual connection. Despite some incredibly strong wake-up calls, twins may get distracted and simply not remember who they really are. Tragically, even when they realize that they are Twin Flames, most fail to achieve their mission because they don’t realize they have one. Happily, on Earth at this time, more Twin Flames are waking-up, realizing who they are and exactly why they’re here!”

- Dare to Meet Your Twin Flame or Twin Soul by Richee on March 4, 2013

“How will you know? You will know your Twin Flame because you will feel love beyond your wildest imagination. You will likely experience an explosive inner awakening unlike any other, also known as the Kundalini awakening. The Twin Flame connection is not a relationship. It’s A UNION. It’s a taste of divine one-ness – where no boundaries exist between any two. The intensity of the Twin Flame union is the fuel that you require to complete your joint mission. If the Creator fills the fuel tank but the driver doesn’t plot the course, hit the gas, and drive to the destination, it is a great loss – not just for mankind, but also for the Twins.”

- Dare to Meet Your Twin Flame or Twin Soul by Richee on March 4, 2013

“When Twin Flames come together, they often encounter enormous challenges. Though compatible in every regard, they’ll find themselves in drastically different circumstances. Their ages may be 30 years apart or they may come from incompatible cultures or religions. This is because Twin Flames are here to create a new template for all relationships on planet Earth. They unite to tear down the old societal conventions, traditions and belief systems in order to restore the planet to a state of harmony, balance, and unconditional love.”

- Dare to Meet Your Twin Flame or Twin Soul by Richee on March 4, 2013

“When twin flames run, they are really running from THEMSELVES. They are us, we are them, and the connection highlights the parts of us that need working on and “fixing” in order to become our true selves again (united as one). This is MAJOR and very scary. We all have “faults” (lessons to learn) and it is painful to think about our perceived weaknesses.”

- A Romantic Relationship With Your Twin Flame Is Often Difficult by Richee on February 10, 2013

“This is what the twin flame makes us face up to. We see those “faults” in ourselves clearer than ever before. This scares us MORE THAN ANYTHING. We experience this wonderful person and it highlights to us all our “faults”. We are one, so we reflect each other and attract in to each other the very things we need to heal. The pain always comes before the healing though. With the twin flame’s presence (in soul and in physical) we finally have to face up to those things, and quite often we don’t want to (this is subconsciously), or aren’t ready.

The very things about ourselves we have tried to distract ourselves from because we have been so ashamed are finally out in the open, seen completely by ourselves for the first times, and also seen by our twin flame. Often they are exaggerated. Many times we feel both their emotional pain and their physical pain or discomfort that results from illness or injury which makes being together very difficult.

So we run, until finally we have worked through our baggage, fixed our problems and issues, and we realize through the increased love, and awareness of our inner selves, that we have ALWAYS been worthy and that we are good enough. We have cleared the Karma, reached the pinnacle of our enlightenment, and we are ready to become one again by uniting with our twin flame. This may not even occur in a physical sense. It may only end up happening in a spiritual sense on the astral plane.”

- A Romantic Relationship With Your Twin Flame Is Often Difficult by Richee on February 10, 2013

Adam, was responsi-Able for his wife. He gave up his life for her and he condescended from his high and lofty state to be the salvation of his bride (1 Timothy 2:14) as he (the first Adam) is a perfect type of the second Adam, Yahshua from heaven, who willfully gave up his life for his bride (mankind) being without sin or having no transgressions! Yes, a conscious twin flame will suffer for the lack of his count-HER-part!!! Remember Eve came forth from Adam just as the creatures are the offspring of the creator! Enoch is bringing ascended level knowledge!!! Arise and awake from slumber all thou that sleepest!!!
- Cathy Edwards (Facebook Comment) (6 March 2013)

“I love this. That’s when it really works. And when it does, it is amazing. When he forgets himself and she has any nervousness or doubts, then the whole thing takes a step back. She can move forward when he reassures her that everything is going to be alright. They do mirror one another, but it is refreshing to hear reaffirmed that the male twin is more responsible as the creator in the relationship. The female reflects his image. If the male runs, the female must maintain her feminine edge and not go after him. He needs to know what he wants and who he is, first. He may never return, and in this instance that is when Source will provide the one, the near twin with the same twin flame frequency or energy, to become the match for the remaining twin. The female twin must go on and live her life, or in rarer instances, the male must live his. You know someone is your twin when you can see your own reflection in their eyes. It is also the image of Love/Christ, because he is (Source) at the centre of it all.“
- Danielle Edwards (Facebook Comment) (6 March 2013)

“I think you are talking about when you finally reunite…. for me there is so much more to it. It’s not all smooth as it is shown here. It creates confusion and brings out your core wound and until you balance this you will not reunite.”
- Evangelina Nayomi (Facebook Comment) (7 March 2013)

“This is very real and true. I have a love that has found me in every lifetime and when we meet, time stands still. Its like we never skipped a beat. We dream of each other and have a connection like no other. Our love can be frightening. So pure. Sigh”
- Michelle Robinson (Facebook Comment) (7 March 2013)

“My twin found me, and I felt his energy before I seen him. I had a sensation of knowing and turned around and there he was looking at me. I walked up to him and before we said a word we started kissing and cuddling. It was the most amazing feeling I have ever felt. I will never forget that moment, I hold it close to my heart. As time has gone on the confusion set in and now I’m at the point of balancing my soul…. releasing my core wound. If Being with my twin brings heaven to earth than this journey has been worth every breath. If we are here to heal this earth and bring our consciousness as one, I couldn’t think of any gift better to leave behind when it’s my time to go home.”
- Michelle Robinson (Facebook Comment) (8 March 2013)

“I met mine …. And was royally screwed over! And before you make assumptions this was on a friendship/spiritual link, not a romantic level. I know there are all the arguments for karma from previous lives, reason season etc, but I’ve never experienced such a damaging relationship before or since. It’s left me very skeptical of anyone who even mentions the concept in my presence I’m afraid. Be warned, the spiritual movement is rife with predators who just love hijacking this theory.”
- Inspiral Mediums (Facebook Comment) (7 March 2013)

“A soul mate is a companion, a friend or a loved on maybe that shares the same if not similar category in spiritual karmic connection with you where you can relate to virtually almost everything it doesn’t mean you’ll marry the person or be tied to them but u share crossroads in your path, where as a twin flame were created together in the beginning and share a unique destiny this is a little different than other soulmates, Twin flames would be of the same soul energy source and would have been decided at what you would term the creator source level or at the higher-self level, which we see as a level at which a being has the ability to create seed selves in 3rd-dimensional reality. in other words your destiny with them is inseparable.”
- Taltal Martinez (Facebook Comment) (7 March 2013)

“Reed My twin flame Marvin was revealed by my higher self during deep meditation, he has been n my life since I was 16, so happen he also was my childhood best friends boyfriend. Once you realize whom you are, learn 2 love yourself and working on yourself spiritually… U maybe very surprised and recognizing u may not b in a sexually intimate relationship this lifetime, that may not be your purpose in each others life. Find your purpose…..find your Twin Flame! Peace, love and light!”
- Tinisha-Obsun (Facebook Comment) (8 March 2013)

“I experience that with mine…overwhelming connection and no Boundaries between us…& we also had one of the biggest splits I’ve ever heard of but have somehow found ourselves back in each others arms. I was told once that “soul mates” have a rough going because there is so much energy it can sometimes cause friction. It has seemed to be very true in my case. But there is always the love and instant attraction to one another.”
- Carol King (Facebook Comment) (9 March 2013)