> The God Concept in Conversations with God




The God Concept in Conversations with God

The God Concept in Conversations with God

“In the beginning, that which Is is all there was, and there was nothing else. Yet All That Is could not know itself—because All-That-Is is all there was, and there was nothing else. And so, All That Is… was not. For in the absence of something else, All That Is, is not. This is the great Is/Not Is to which mystics have referred from the beginning of time. Now All That Is knew it was all there was—but this was not enough, for it could only know its utter magnificence conceptually, not experientially. Yet the experience of itself is that for which it longed, for it wanted to know what it felt like to be so magnificent. Still, this was impossible, because the very term “magnificent” is a relative term. All That Is could not know what it felt like to be magnificent unless that which is not showed up. In the absence of that which is not, that which IS, is not.

The one thing that All That Is knew is that there was nothing else. And so It could, and would, never know Itself from a reference point outside of Itself. Such a point did not exist. Only one reference point existed, and that was the single place within. The “Is-Not Is.” The Am-Not Am. Still, the All of Everything chose to know Itself experientially. This energy—this pure, unseen, unheard, unobserved, and therefore unknown-by-anyone else energy—chose to experience Itself as the utter magnificence It was. In order to do this, It realized It would have to use a reference point within. It reasoned, quite correctly, that any portion of Itself would necessarily have to be less than the whole, and that if It thus simply divided Itself into portions, each portion, being less than the whole, could look back on the rest of Itself and see magnificence.

All That Is divided Itself—becoming, in one glorious moment, that which is this, and that which is that. For the first time, this and that existed, quite apart from each other. And still, both existed simultaneously. As did all that was neither. Thus, three elements suddenly existed: that which is here. That which is there. And that which is neither here nor there—but which must exist for here and there to exist. It is the nothing which holds the everything. It is the non-space which holds the space. It is the all which holds the parts.

Now this nothing which holds the everything is what some people call God. Yet that is not accurate, either, for it suggests that there is something God is not— namely, everything that is not “nothing.” But I am All Things—seen and unseen—so this description of Me as the Great Unseen—the No-Thing, or the Space Between, an essentially Eastern mystical definition of God, is no more accurate than the essentially Western practical description of God as all that is seen. Those who believe that God is All That Is and All That Is Not, are those whose understanding is correct.”

- Conversations with God, Book 1

“Now in creating that which is “here” and that which is “there,” God made it possible for God to know Itself. In the moment of this great explosion from within, God created relativity—the greatest gift God ever gave to Itself. Thus, relationship is the greatest gift God ever gave to you.”

- Conversations with God, Book 1

“In rendering the universe as a divided version of Itself, God produced, from pure energy, all that now exists—both seen and unseen. In other words, not only was the physical universe thus created, but the metaphysical universe as well. The part of God which forms the second half of the Am/Not Am equation also exploded into an infinite number of units smaller than the whole. These energy units you would call spirits. In some of your religious mythologies it is stated that “God the Father” had many spirit children. This parallel to the human experiences of life multiplying itself seems to be the only way the masses could be made to hold in reality the idea of the sudden appearance—the sudden existence—of countless spirits in the “Kingdom of Heaven. In this instance, your mythical tales and stories are not so far from ultimate reality—for the endless spirits comprising the totality of Me are, in a cosmic sense, My offspring. My divine purpose in dividing Me was to create sufficient parts of Me so that I could know Myself experientially. There is only one way for the Creator to know Itself experientially as the Creator, and that is to create. And so I gave to each of the countless parts of Me (to all of My spirit children) the same power to create which I have as the whole.”

- Conversations with God, Book 1

“There is one way I could have caused all of My spiritual children to know themselves as parts of Me—and that was simply to tell them. This I did. But you see, it was not enough for Spirit to simply know Itself as God, or part of God, or children of God, or inheritors of the kingdom (or whatever mythology you want to use). As I’ve already explained, knowing something, and experiencing it, are two different things. Spirit longed to know Itself experientially (just as I did!). Conceptual awareness was not enough for you. So I devised a plan. It is the most extraordinary idea in all the universe—and the most spectacular collaboration. I say collaboration because all of you are in it with Me. Under the plan, you as pure spirit would enter the physical universe just created. This is because physicality is the only way to know experientially what you know conceptually. It is, in fact, the reason I created the physical cosmos to begin with—and the system of relativity which governs it, and all creation. Once in the physical universe, you, My spirit children, could experience what you know of yourself—but first, you had to come to know the opposite.

To explain this simplistically, you cannot know yourself as tall unless and until you become aware of short. You cannot experience the part of yourself that you call fat unless you also come to know thin. Taken to ultimate logic, you cannot experience yourself as what you are until you’ve encountered what you are not. This is the purpose of the theory of relativity, and all physical life. It is by that which you are not that you yourself are defined. Now in the case of the ultimate knowing—in the case of knowing yourself as the Creator— you cannot experience your Self as creator unless and until you create. And you cannot create yourself until you Un-create yourself. In a sense, you have to first “not be” in order to be.

Of course, there is no way for you to not be who and what you are-you simply are that (pure, creative spirit), have been always, and always will be. So, you did the next best thing. You caused yourself to forget Who You Really Are. Upon entering the physical universe, you relinquished your remembrance of yourself. This allows you to choose to be Who You Are, rather than simply wake up in the castle, so to speak.

It is in the act of choosing to be, rather than simply being told that you are, a part of God that you experience yourself as being at total choice, which is what, by definition, God is. Yet how can you have a choice about something over which there is no choice? You cannot not be My offspring no matter how hard you try—but you can forget. You are, have always been, and will always be, a divine part of the divine whole, a member of the body. That is why the act of rejoining the whole, of returning to God, is called remembrance. You actually choose to re-member Who You Really Are, or to join together with the various parts of you to experience the all of you—which is to say, the All of Me.

Your job on Earth, therefore, is not to learn (because you already know), but to re-member Who You Are. And to re-member who everyone else is. That is why a big part of your job is to remind others (that is, to re-mind them), so that they can re-member also. All the wonderful spiritual teachers have been doing just that. It is your sole purpose. That is to say, your soul purpose.”

- Conversations with God, Book 1

“I am not the God of your mythologies, nor am I the Goddess. I am The Creator— That Which Creates. Yet I choose to Know Myself in My Own Experience.

Just as I know My perfection of design through a snowflake, My awesome beauty through a rose, so, too, do I know My creative power—through you.

To you I have given the ability to consciously create your experience, which is the ability I have.

Through you, I can know every aspect of Me. The perfection of the snowflake, the awesome beauty of the rose, the courage of lions, the majesty of eagles, all resides in you. In you I have placed all of these things—and one thing more: the consciousness to be aware of it.

Thus have you become Self-conscious. And thus have you been given the greatest gift, for you have been aware of yourself being yourself—which is exactly what I Am.

I am Myself, aware of Myself being Myself. This is what is meant by the statement, I Am That I Am.

You are that Part of Me which is the awareness, experienced. And what you are experiencing (and what I am experiencing through you) is Me, creating Me.

I am in the continual act of creating Myself.”

- Conversations with God, Book 3

“You are Me choosing to be Me. You are Me, choosing to be What I Am—and choosing what I am going to be. All of you, collectively, are creating that. You are doing it on an individual basis, as each of you decides Who You Are, and experiences that, and you are doing it collectively, as the co-creative collective being that you are.

I Am the collective experience of the lot of you!”

- Conversations with God, Book 3

“All of your life you have been told that God created you. I come now to tell you this: You are creating God.

In every moment God expresses Himself in, as, and through you. You are always at choice as to how God will be created now, and She will never take that choice from you, nor will She punish you for making the “wrong” choice. Yet you are not without guidance in these matters, nor will you ever be. Built into you is an internal guidance system that shows you the way home. This is the voice that speaks to you always of your highest choice, that places before you your grandest vision. All you need do is heed that voice, and not abandon the vision.

Who you are, I am.

You are defining God.

I have sent you—a blessed part of Me—into physical form that I might know Myself experientially as all that I know Myself to be conceptually. Life exists as a tool for God to turn concept into experience. It exists for you to do the same. For you are God, doing this.

I choose to re-create Myself anew in every single moment. I choose to experience the grandest version of the greatest vision ever I had about Who I Am. I have created you, so that you might re-create Me. This is Our holy work. This is Our greatest joy. This is Our very reason for being.”

- Conversations with God, Book 3

“God is a Process.

God is not a person, place, or thing. God is exactly what you have always thought— but not understood.

You have always thought that God is the Supreme Being.

And you have been right about that. I am exactly that. A BEING. Notice that “being” is not a thing, it is a process.

I am the Supreme Being. That is, the Supreme, comma, being.

I am not the result of a process; I am The Process Itself. I am the Creator, and I am The Process by which I am created.

Everything you see in the heavens and the earth is Me, being created. The Process of Creation is never over. It is never complete. I am never “done.” This is another way of saying everything is forever changing. Nothing stands still. Nothing—nothing —is without motion. Everything is energy, in motion. In your earthly shorthand, you have called this “E-motion!”

You are God’s highest emotion!

When you look at a thing, you are not looking at a static “something” that is “standing there” in time and space. No! You are witnessing an event. Because everything is moving, changing, evolving. Everything.

It was Buckminster Fuller who said, “I seem to be a verb.” He was right.

God is an event. You have called that event life. Life is a Process. That Process is observable, knowable, predictable. The more you observe, the more you know, and the more you can predict.”

- Conversations with God, Book 3