> Meditation in Everything for True Wakefulness




Meditation in Everything for True Wakefulness

Meditation in Everything for True Wakefulness

God: “Now some beings even choose to experience both the forgetfulness of being with the body, and the oneness of the soul, at once. These beings can train a part of themselves to not identify with the body while they are still with the body, thus experiencing the ecstasy of knowing Who They Really Are, without having to lose human wakefulness in order to do it.”

Neale Donald Walsch: “How do they do this? How can I do this?”

God: “It is a question of awareness, of reaching a state of total awareness, as I said before. You cannot do totally aware, you can only be totally aware.”

Neale Donald Walsch: “How? How? There must be some tools You can give me.”

God: “Daily meditation is one of the best tools with which to create this experience. With it, you can raise your life energy to the highest chakra … and even leave your body while you are “awake.”

- Conversations with God, Book 3

“In meditation you place yourself in a state of readiness to experience total awareness while your body is in a wakened state. This state of readiness is called true wakefulness. You do not have to be sitting in meditation to experience this. Meditation is simply a device, a “tool,” as you put it. But you do not have to do sitting meditation in order to experience this.

You should also know that sitting meditation is not the only kind of meditation there is. There is also stopping meditation. Walking meditation. Doing meditation. Sexual meditation.

This is the state of true wakefulness.

When you stop in this state, simply stop in your tracks, stop going where you are going, stop doing what you are doing, just stop for a moment, and just “be” right where you are, you become right, exactly where you are. Stopping, even just for a moment, can be blessed. You look around, slowly, and you notice things you did not notice while you were passing them by. The deep smell of the earth just after it rains. That curl of hair over the left ear of your beloved. How truly good it feels to see a child at play.

You don’t have to leave your body to experience this. This is the state of true wakefulness.

When you walk in this state, you breathe in every flower, you fly with every bird, you feel every crunch beneath your feet. You find beauty and wisdom. For wisdom is found wherever beauty is formed. And beauty is formed everywhere, out of all the stuff of life. You do not have to seek it. It will come to you. And you don’t have to leave your body to experience this. This is the state of true wakefulness.

When you “do” in this state, you turn whatever you are doing into a meditation, and thus, into a gift, an offering, from you to your soul, and from your soul to The All. Washing dishes, you enjoy the warmth of the water caressing your hands, and marvel at the wonder of both water, and warmth. Working at your computer, you see the words appear on the screen in front of you in response to the command of your fingers, and exhilarate over the power of the mind and body, when it is harnessed to do your bidding. Preparing dinner, you feel the love of the universe which brought you this nourishment, and as your return gift, pour into the making of this meal all the love of your being. It does not matter how extravagant or how simple the meal is. Soup can be loved into deliciousness.

You don’t have to leave your body to experience this. This is the state of true wakefulness.

When you experience sexual energy exchange in this state, you know the highest truth of Who You Are. The heart of your lover becomes your home. The body of your lover becomes your own. Your soul no longer imagines itself separate from anything.

You don’t have to leave your body to experience this. This is the state of true wakefulness.

When you are in readiness, you are in wakefulness. A smile can take you there. A simple smile. Just stop everything for one moment, and smile. At nothing. Just because it feels good. Just because your heart knows a secret. And because your soul knows what the secret is. Smile at that. Smile a lot. It will cure whatever ails you.”

- Conversations with God, Book 3