> The Truth about Brainwashing and Possession




The Truth about Brainwashing and Possession

The Truth about Brainwashing and Possession

“It is, in fact, impossible for one consciousness to possess another. Each identity possesses an integrity that will not allow any affiliation of which it does not approve. Using an analogy, psychological antibodies are far more potent than physical ones. The self or identity quite literally closes its boundaries to any forces that do not follow its own purposes and intents. There are no exceptions.

This integrity allows the identity always to maintain its own pattern or mark, permitting within its peripheries only those affiliations that serve its unique purposes. In those terms, the self or identity cannot be defiled.

Here I would like to add a brief side note having to do with cases of apparent “brainwashing,” in times of war, for example. You form your own reality. Those captured in such encounters, therefore, are captured because they are already operating in a system of beliefs that does suit their greater purposes. This subject is highly complicated. But in any case, the so-called brainwashing suits the purposes of those so treated. This does not mean that no sympathy should be granted them. A really close examination of their conscious beliefs and purposes, however, would show an acquiescence and acceptance of such experience, and a need for it to occur.”

- SETH (The Afterdeath Journal of An American Philosopher)