> What is the Role of Thought in Traumatic Injuries?




What is the Role of Thought in Traumatic Injuries?

What is the Role of Thought in Traumatic Injuries?

“Whether the trauma to your body seemed to come suddenly as a result of an accident, or whether it came from a disease such as cancer, you’ve created the situation through your thought. And the healing will come through your thought as well. Chronic thoughts of ease promote Wellness, while chronic stressful, or resentful, or hateful, or fearful thoughts promote disease. But whether the result shows up suddenly, as in falling and breaking your bones, or more slowly, as in cancer, whatever you’re living always matches the balance of your thoughts.

Once you’ve experienced the diminishment of Well-Being, whether it has come as broken bones or internal diseases, it is not likely that you will suddenly find good feeling thoughts that match those of your Inner-Being. In other words, if before your accident, or disease, you were not choosing thoughts that aligned with Well-Being, it’s not likely that now you’re faced with discomfort or pain or a frightening diagnosis you will suddenly find that alignment. It is much easier to achieve great health from moderate health, than to achieve great health from poor health. However, you can get to wherever you want to be from wherever you are, if you’re able to distract your attention from the unwanted aspects of your life, and focus upon aspects that are more pleasing. It really is only a matter of focus.

Sometimes a frightening diagnosis or traumatic injury is a powerful catalyst in getting you to focus your attention more deliberately on things that do feel good. In fact, some of our best students of deliberate creation are those who have been given a frightening diagnosis, where doctors have told them that there was nothing more that could be done for them. Who now, since they have no other options, deliberately begin to focus their thoughts.”

- Abraham Hicks (Money and the Law of Attraction)