> Manipulate Reality with the Power of the One




Manipulate Reality with the Power of the One

Manipulate Reality with the Power of the One

“We have invented the hologram in order to realize that the universe itself is a hologram. All laws pertaining to the physical realm thereby come to be understood differently: they are not laws so much as habits. Morpheus insists to Neo over and over that all he has to do is to free his mind, to believe. The rest will follow. The moment Neo ceases to tell himself that a given act is impossible is the moment in which it becomes possible. By breaking the habit of rational thought/interpretation, the world collapses and all that is left is pure energy, consciousness – code. This code can be read or rewritten in any way the imagination desires. The rules of rational thought have now given way to a different set of rules, those of will. Since Neo is the first living human to realize this (at least since the original messiah Morpheus describes), he is ‘the One’. Nietzsche’s Ubermensch in living colour. And sexy too.”

- Matrix Warrior: Being the One (Jake Horsley)

“A fully unplugged human, one who can operate freely in both worlds, we shall call a matrix sorcerer. Matrix sorcerers have learned to tap into another reality, or interpretation system, that of the so-called real world, which we have termed the 2nd attention. Sorcerers who never realize that this real world is just another interpretation, or matrix, stay stuck within it, however (this may include Morpheus and the Wachowskis); although they have an advantage over your average humaton and over the matrix warrior (the advantage of moving between two worlds, or attentions), they will never become true seers, or Lucids, until they make this realization. A Lucid is one who can read the code. Neo is the first. That’s what makes him the One.”

- Matrix Warrior: Being the One (Jake Horsley)

Download Matrix of Mind Reality – See the World in Code (FREE Ebook)
=> http://www.realitymagi.com/secrets.html

Do We Live In A Simulated Universe? -

Dr. S. James Gates, Jr., a theoretical physicist, the John S. Toll Professor of Physics at the University of Maryland, and the Director of The Center for String & Particle Theory, is reporting that certain string theory, super-symmetrical equations, which describe the fundamental nature of the Universe and reality, contain embedded computer codes. These codes are digital data in the form of 1′s and 0′s. Not only that, these codes are the same as what make web browsers work and are error-correction codes! Gates says, “We have no idea what these ‘things’ are doing there”.

Gates discloses that some of his research can be interpreted that we do live in a virtual reality. He describes this as “mind-blowing” and similar to the movie “The Matrix”! Further, he adds, that if someone suspected they did live in a virtual reality, then detecting computer codes would be a way to confirm. He concludes with finding these computer codes in equations that describe our world: “that’s what I just proposed!”

Download Matrix of Mind Reality – See the World in Code (FREE Ebook)
=> http://www.realitymagi.com/secrets.html

“Sorcerers understand the process of seeing in simple, practical terms (contrary to New Age mysticism, sorcery is the most practical of paths), the ability to see energy directly. In other words, rather than seeing the surface of things – the apparent shape and form which matter has assumed and which our rational interpretation system has assembled with the help of our five senses — Lucids see at a subatomic level. They see electrons, neutrons, and protons. Lucids see energy as it flows through the universe. Since all energy is one energy, one flow, and since all its different streams are overlapping and interconnected, but countless waves and ripples in a single ocean, Lucids are able to isolate any given energy stream and follow it to the source, like canoeists following a tributary to the river, and the river to the ocean. In such manner, Lucids can see the nature, purpose, direction and destination of any given event, be it a human event, a tree event, or an isolated-moment-in-time event. Seeing energy is seeing space-time: objects become motions and motion becomes an object.”

- Matrix Warrior: Being the One (Jake Horsley)