> The Law of Constant Self-Transcendence




The Law of Constant Self-Transcendence

The Law of Constant Self-Transcendence

“No matter which spiritual teaching you follow, you need to be aware of an important law about spiritual growth, namely the law of constant self-transcendence. This law has been described in the popular saying, “When the student is ready, the teacher appears.” If you are studying a particular teaching right now, it is because that was the teaching you needed at the level of consciousness you had when you found that teaching.

Yet if you are making spiritual progress, there might very well come a point when you are ready for a higher spiritual teaching. When that occurs, your Christ self and your spiritual teachers will be ready to bring that teaching into your outer awareness. Unfortunately, many sincere spiritual teachers end up becoming emotionally attached to a specific outer teaching, guru or organization, and therefore they are not willing to listen to their spiritual teachers. They literally close their minds to the spiritual teaching that could take them to the next level.”

- Ask Real Jesus (Channeled by Kim Michaels)

“The simple fact is that whatever teaching you find, there is a reason you were attracted to that teaching. The reason is that the teaching resonates with your current level of consciousness, and thus you have something to learn from that teaching.

For a new student, it is tempting to assume that the teaching you have found is the ultimate teaching, that it is absolutely true and that it can teach you everything you need to know in order to be saved. Yet the more experienced student needs to let go of this belief. Instead, you need to adopt the attitude that any outer teaching is meant to teach you something that will help you transcend your current level of consciousness. And in some cases the lesson might be very different from what your outer mind assumes.”

- Ask Real Jesus (Channeled by Kim Michaels)

“The goal of the path is self-transcendence, so at any level you are confronted with two teachers. The false teacher is the one who corresponds to your current level of consciousness, and he will seek to make you stay at that level. The true teacher is the one who corresponds to the next higher level of consciousness, and he is the one who can take you to the next level. The question is whether you will cling to the one with whom you are comfortable or whether you will follow the other teacher into the unknown. This depends on your commitment to perpetual self-transcendence.

Take note that when you do rise to a higher level, you will be confronted with a new set of teachers. The true teacher who brought you to that level will now be replaced by another true teacher who can take you higher. Likewise, the old false teacher will be replaced by a new one, seeking to keep you trapped at your new level. If you seek to cling to the old true teacher, you will simply tie yourself to the new false teacher—who is an impostor of the old true teacher.

Obviously, the more mature student should always be on the lookout for the next teacher and should always be willing to follow that teacher as soon as he appears. That is the ultimate – and only – way to avoid being trapped by the false hierarchy. As I said, there comes a point on the path where you have to confront the false hierarchy. Only by confronting them can you learn to see through them and thus rise above them. Studying a false teaching may be a necessary step in this process. The trick is to always look for the hidden lesson and to never stay in a false teaching a moment longer than necessary.”

- Ask Real Jesus (Channeled by Kim Michaels)

“Any teaching or tool we give people can be counteracted by the false hierarchy. There is nothing in the realm of duality that cannot be counteracted by the false hierarchy, so the only way out is that you base your spiritual path on one simple fact: The driving force behind spiritual growth is self-transcendence, and the need to self-transcend never stops as long as you are on Earth.

This applies to an outer teaching as well. When we give an outer teaching, the false hierarchy can also read that teaching. So they can find ways to neutralize it. One way is to get people to turn the outer teaching into a closed box that prevents people from seeing that the ascended masters have moved on. As I said before, if you are so afraid of the false hierarchy that you do not dare to look beyond a certain teaching – that you do not dare to follow the promptings of your Christ self – then the false hierarchy has become your God. You are no longer following the ascended masters – for we are constantly moving on and forever self-transcending – you are following the false hierarchy who tells you to stay where you feel safe.

The crucial point here is that when you find a true spiritual teaching, your ego and the false hierarchy are very concerned because they might lose control over you. Yet they know that it is easy to get people to become comfortable in the new teaching, and this gives them a second chance to trap you. My point is that no outer teaching will ever be enough to guarantee that you are free from the false hierarchy. The only way to escape them is to continue to self-transcend, to continue to go beyond any outer teaching and seek oneness with your Christ self and the ascended masters.“

- Ask Real Jesus (Channeled by Kim Michaels)

“It is a fact that when most people find the spiritual path, they are still partly in the duality consciousness. Thus, they will inevitably be in a state of consciousness that attracts the dualistic opposites.

Even if you find a teaching that is truly from the ascended masters, your ego will still use your dualistic beliefs to distort your view of that teaching. As you become more familiar with the teaching, your ego is also educated in the concepts and lingo used by the teaching. Thus, your ego and any external false teachers can actually use a true teaching to slow down your growth by causing you to close your mind. The only way to avoid this is to constantly be open to being disturbed by your Christ self and the ascended masters, which means that you are willing to let a new idea take you beyond your comfortable beliefs. If you are not willing to be disturbed, you will turn even a true teaching into a mental prison.

When you come up higher on the path, you can completely transcend the level of duality, and thus false teachers and false teachings will no longer be a threat to you.”

- Ask Real Jesus (Channeled by Kim Michaels)

“When you translate a spiritual teaching into words, you bring that teaching into the realm of duality, and thus people can argue for or against that teaching indefinitely. They might feel they are very knowledgeable and pious – as did the scribes and Pharisees – but in reality they are no closer to escaping duality. ”

- Ask Real Jesus (Channeled by Kim Michaels)

“As long as people are trapped in the duality consciousness, they will attract to themselves situations in which it seems as if the only option they have is to choose between two extremes. No matter which extreme they choose, they will only become more trapped in duality.”

- Ask Real Jesus (Channeled by Kim Michaels)

“For the last century we have given people the concept of ascended masters as the spiritual teachers of humankind. The false hierarchy has sought to counteract this by creating a false duality. On one side you have what most people would see as dark forces, namely demons and other forces that are clearly evil. On the other side the false hierarchy has set up a group of non-material beings, residing in the mental or emotional realms, that imitate the ascended masters. These false “masters” will appear to be exactly like us and they will use the same terminology. Yet they have two main goals.

One goal is to draw you into a dualistic struggle against the “dark forces.” So they will try to make you think that you are a servant of the light and you are here to fight the darkness, and as long as you are following their directives, you are doing just that. In reality you are simply trapped in the endless dualistic struggle between two opposing forces, none of which have the life of Christ in them. The other goal is to make you follow the false path that only makes you comfortable at a certain level of attainment but does not guide you on to eternal self-transcendence. Obviously, these two goals can be combined, and when people buy into them, they feel very convinced that they are doing the exact right thing and that they have to keep doing it for the rest of their lives.”

- Ask Real Jesus (Channeled by Kim Michaels)

“The false hierarchy of anti-christ has created innumerable versions of this artificial conflict between two opposites, and they are constantly seeking to draw people into such a battle. The false hierarchy can use even a true spiritual teaching to create such dualistic opposites. You have to realize that the duality consciousness will always present the spiritual student with a dilemma. At any level of the spiritual path, you will face two extremes that are created by the duality of anti-christ. The inexperienced student will invariably choose one extreme and think he is doing the right thing. Yet the mature student sees through this plot and therefore chooses the golden middle way by always seeking to transcend the duality of any situation. It is only through this self-transcendence that you grow in Christhood. Otherwise, you only stay in the dualistic struggle, which can go on indefinitely.”

- Ask Real Jesus (Channeled by Kim Michaels)

“It does not matter what you have been into. What matters is what you have been willing to transcend. It is generally better to make a mistake and learn from it than to stand still and do nothing at all. That is why being afraid of the false hierarchy gives them a sure way to keep you trapped. As soon as you stop moving, they will start building a wall around you. Yet if you continue to jump over the wall before it gets too tall, they will have a hard time keeping up with you.”

- Ask Real Jesus (Channeled by Kim Michaels)

“You have to be alert to the fact that as you follow the spiritual path, you are not simply educating yourself, you are also educating your ego. Your ego learns the words and concepts used in a specific spiritual teaching, and it quickly finds out how to use them to maintain or even expand its control over you. That is why you can never stand still. You have to keep moving faster than your ego or you will inevitably start sliding backwards. If you become comfortable at a certain level, your ego will quickly use this opportunity to get you to stop at that level.

You always need to remember that the path is an ongoing process. The moment you stop moving, you are no longer on the true path. You are on the path that seems right to the ego. Remember the motto, “From this point, forward—always forward!”

- Ask Real Jesus (Channeled by Kim Michaels)