> The Pleiadians on Soul Recycling, How to stop the Archon Matrix Reincarnation Trap




The Pleiadians on Soul Recycling, How to stop the Archon Matrix Reincarnation Trap

The Pleiadians on Soul Recycling, How to stop the Archon Matrix Reincarnation Trap

“Anunnaki recycling center
We are in a new inquisition today which is called political correctness. People are frightened today to admit what’s really happening.
It is best for you to understand the world of spirit, the non-physical as it works with physical rather than religions.
You get yourself in the most recycling situation when you do the religions.
If you look at the history of the Buddhists, they pillaged and raped and killed and flailed all kinds of people, and then they have this kindly Buddha.
You are tricked. You need to have a plan. And the best plan you can have is that you intend to take all your wits with you and everything you’ve learned in this lifetime you can accumulate as knowledge.
You say it is my intention to reconnect with my higher self, my oversoul, that’s where I will retreat to my own home in the cosmos. And that would be the larger self that you are connected to.
So when you immediately go over, don’t aim for god or the pearly gates. Always carry your wits about you to go further and to call yourself to unite back, reunite with the highest source from where you have come from where there is no manipulation, where there’s only freedom, respect and joy.”

- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4i9K9LIJnaA The Pleiadians on Soul Recycling, How to stop the Archon Matrix Reincarnation Trap
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