> Great Genius Insights into Everything (3)


Is Our Fate Manipulated by False Controllers?

I watched The Adjustment Bureau again. It is about the human race being watched over and manipulated by beings who can adjust fate and minds, and they serve the Chairman according to His Plan for them. One human managed to discover this truth and tries to escape his fate to create his own life. He has to outsmart those beings and manages to have the help of one of them. That “rebel angel” tells him the truth about how they operate as well as the fact that water can block out their ability to read people’s decisions.

Similar to the Truman Show, The Adjustment Bureau tries to stop him from being with a girl that he loves (but not according to The Plan) and they create obstacles and “accidents” that make him decide to separate from her to keep her from being harmed. In the end, he manages to defy fate and be with her at the risk of being reset (artificially made mentally crazy). Then the Chairman rewrites The Plan to exclude them out of it so that they can live their lives according to freewill.

- Noctis Enoch (17 July 2018)


Are We in An Artificial World by An Artificial Creator?

Are We in An Artificial World by An Artificial Creator?

I watched The Truman Show. It is about someone born in an artificial world created to make him the star of a TV show. Everyone else in it are actors. Everything in the environment are just props. He fell in love with one of the actress which is not the one intended for him to be with, and she tried to reveal the truth about his world but was taken away and fired. He was told that she was taken away by her father to another country. He ended up being married to the lead actress that Christof (the creator of the show) wanted him to marry.

Eventually, Truman discovered more and more clues that there was something very wrong about his world. At one point he manage to find out a certain area he wasn’t supposed to go and saw the backstage setup with props and staff in it. He was quickly forced back out and was told they were doing renovations in that area. He was programmed since childhood to stay and not leave the world he was in. His fake geography teacher says there was nothing else that has already been discovered. His fake father was “killed” in a boat accident so he would always be afraid to leave by water. When he tried booking a flight, he was told there were no vacancies. When he wanted to take a bus, the bus driver would cause the bus to breakdown. He noticed that the people around him operate in a certain routine which was predictable and artificial. Whoever he talk to tells him he is crazy to think those thoughts and tries to misdirect him back to normal life.

Finally, he tried to drive out of the country but there is a spontaneous traffic jam that develops. Then he pretended to change his mind and start to drive home. But then he suddenly change his mind again and drive back to the same road and saw the traffic jam had disappeared, and so he drove out and even across the water through the bridge. On the other side, there was a sign that says forest fire. He ignored it and continued driving. A fire was artificially started across the road but he drove right through and was fine. But he met other obstacles that were artificially created that made him fail to leave.

In the end, he managed to get to the end of the world after almost being killed by artificial weather manipulation by the creator. He found that the boundary of the world was fake and he found an exit out of it. The creator spoke to him from the artificial sky through the PA system and told him that there was no more truth out there than there was in his world, but he would have nothing to fear by remaining in the creator’s world and by the star there. Truman chose to leave and the audience who was watching the show cheered, and his lover in the outside world came running to look for him.

- Noctis Enoch (17 July 2018)


The Spiritual Domain Transcends Karma and Destiny

The Spiritual Domain that Transcends the Domain of Karma and Destiny

In this world, Man’s Fate is influenced by the Forces of Karma and Destiny. The Chinese are able to predict events by studying the patterns of Destiny in Feng Shui, Bazi, etc. The Buddhists say that Man’s destiny is completely influenced by his Karma and there is no escaping it.

But yet, there is something beyond the realm of destiny that the Devil wants to blind most men from seeing.

The Realm of Destiny does Not create events on its own. The Realm of Destiny and Karma is like a holding pattern. People can predict events by observing the holding pattern. But it requires activity from the spiritual dimension to manifest it into events.


1. The Bagua on its own does Not create events. A car number may have a Gua that has a pattern of a driver being angry and banging other people on the road. But that event is never going to happen until Evil Spirits use the Gua as a Doorway in Time and Space to influence the driver with angry thoughts and impulses to bang other people on the road.

2. Karma on its own does Not create events. A person may have Karma to have someone do something evil to him. But that evil event is never going to happen until Evil Spirits make use of that Karmic Pattern to go and influence somebody out there to go and do an evil thing to that person.

Even in high level Buddhist teachings, it reveals that there is something that goes beyond Karma. But Satan will never fully reveal what that something is. The thing that goes beyond Karma and Destiny is the Domain of God and Satan.

Satanic New Age teachings want to put the Domain of God and Satan as under the Domain of an Impersonal Law Based Universe. But by observing the Word of God, and observing reality as much as possible, one will notice that there is a Personal God and a Devil that operates above an Impersonal Law Based Universe.

You can observe very clearly in the Word of God that Karma works very differently for people of God compared to people of the world. In the Word of God, there are many cases where God has preordained His people for a great destiny. And in the process of good and bad events, God’s Hand is guiding all things to work together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His Purpose. It goes beyond whatever Karma the person has.

For people of the world, the events in their lives are completely under the control of Karma and Satanic influence. There is no higher plan of God’s Kingdom for them. Their Fate is tossed around by the forces Time and Space and Self Effort without a Higher Guiding Hand to shape it in a certain direction. But God is always seeking to win people towards Christ to deliver them out of the Power of Satan and into the Kingdom of His Dear Son.

Satanic New Age teachings may acknowledge that there is a Higher Guiding Hand which they call your “Inner Being”. But they present your Inner Being as being subservient to you, and being there to help you fulfill your personal dreams and wishes. It is Satan’s doctrine that you are God. But yet in the Word of God, and in the lives of God’s people, it is revealed over and over again that all things are subservient to God’s Purposes and God’s Will.

There is a domain that goes beyond Karma and Destiny. The Buddhists call it Man’s “Mind”. But no it is not Man’s Mind. It is the domain of God and Satan. You don’t have to “believe” it. You can know it by observing, and observing, and observing, and observing as much of reality as possible in order to see God and Satan operating beyond Man’s Mind.

Satan tries to trick people into believing the Many World’s Theory where there is a Universe where God and Satan is Real, and there is a Universe where God and Satan do not exist. But the two worlds are actually One World. It just looks like Two Different Worlds because Satan has seek to control the world with his “Indra’s Net” or “Buddha’s Palm” and make it difficult to see what is beyond it. God’s revelation of His Kingdom is like a different world altogether. But the more we can find the doorways and holes leading out of “Indra’s Net” and “Buddha’s Palm”, the more we are able to see that there is actually just One Reality that belongs to God. Satan is only controlling a small part of it which will eventually be reclaimed.

Although I learn about the Domain of Destiny, something deep down within me refuses to accept the limits of destiny. God wants me to know that I am not alone in an Impersonal Law Based Universe with Karma, Destiny and all kinds of strange spirits. There is someone who is my Shepherd. There is someone who is watching over me, guiding me, leading me, supplying me, helping me, protecting me, blessing me. There is a Personal God who loves me with a deeply personal love. And He is not just any nonphysical entity but the One True God of the universe who opens my eyes to see Truth and Grace.

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