> Great Genius Insights into Everything (76)


How to Win in Everything with the Best Actions

How to Win in Everything with the Best Actions

“The good fighters of old first put themselves beyond the possibility of defeat, and then waited for an opportunity of defeating the enemy. To secure ourselves against defeat lies in our own hands, but the opportunity of defeating the enemy is provided by the enemy himself. Thus the good fighter is able to secure himself against defeat, but cannot make certain of defeating the enemy. Hence the saying: One may know how to conquer without being able to do it. Security against defeat implies defensive tactics; ability to defeat the enemy means taking the offensive.

What the ancients called a clever fighter is one who not only wins, but excels in winning with ease. Hence his victories bring him neither reputation for wisdom nor credit for courage. He wins his battles by making no mistakes. Making no mistakes is what establishes the certainty of victory, for it means conquering an enemy that is already defeated. Hence the skillful fighter puts himself into a position which makes defeat impossible, and does not miss the moment for defeating the enemy. Thus it is that in war the victorious strategist only seeks battle after the victory has been won, whereas he who is destined to defeat first fights and afterwards looks for victory.

If fighting is sure to result in victory, then you must fight. If fighting will not result in victory, then you must not fight.

The enlightened ruler lays his plans well ahead; the good general cultivates his resources. Move not unless you see an advantage; use not your troops unless there is something to be gained; fight not unless the position is critical. No ruler should put troops into the field merely to gratify his own spleen; no general should fight a battle simply out of pique. If it is to your advantage, make a forward move; if not, stay where you are.”

- Sun Tzu (Art of War)


The Infinite Love of Lucifer at the Father’s Throne

The Infinite Love of Lucifer at the Father’s Throne

“I was allowed to travel back to home, to the throne. The light was bright and filled with sparks of gold, sparks of unconditional love.

An angel came to me, I saw his black wings and I asked him his name. He told me, I am Lucifer*…

For a nano second, I wanted to dismiss him, I wanted to reject this vision because of all the stories about good and evil.

Then I centered myself into the love space, my heart center and I told myself, if your essence is love, you cannot not be afraid or reject him.

He said do you know how much I love you? I could feel his immense love so I replied Yes. Do you know how much I love our father? I could feel his infinite love and that he was like me, of the Seraphim**, the caretakers of God’s throne and continuously singing his praises: “Kodoish, kodoish, kodoish, Adonai Tsebayot” and eternally burning from love and adoration for God.

So I replied yes.

Then he asked, Do you remember me? And then I said yes…because I could suddenly remember that Lucifer adored our father and that he was playing a role…He agreed to be the opposite of our father so that unconditional love could really mean something. First because one can’t know about love if one does not know what hate and fear are…

Secondly because it is so easy indeed to love when all is love…
Unconditional love is the one of our father, the one that never fades out, the one that never ends and the one that can never be altered nor by time, nor by our behaviors or endeavors…

I could remember and saw us aeons and aeons ago when all of this started and when I chose to be love. Usually people think that it is an easiest path but in a world of duality, it is not, none of the path we chose, was an easy one…and has never been…But it was time for reunion, remembrance of our true essence

I told him, I love you too and he enveloped me with his wings and we both said we are One. We are One…what a beautiful sound. It was echoed by a choir of million of angels…

Father was there on the throne, smiling and our brothers and sisters were singing out of joy and bliss.

Evil is just an illusion of duality.

And Lucifer’s redemption lies in our ability to recognize him as a fellow angel of the light, the most powerful, the most loving one. Unity consciousness and oneness lie in our ability to see beyond the Maya veil…in our ability to recognize and redeem our inner Lucifer.”

- Fana (PeaceLoveAndOneness.com)

Excepts taken from “I HUGGED LUCIFER AND I LIKED IT …:-)”
=> http://www.peaceloveandoneness.com/2012/12/12/i-hugged-lucifer-and-i-liked-it/


Accumulate Spiritual Energy for Higher Self Manifestation

Accumulate Spiritual Energy for Higher Self Manifestation

“Vital force of mana must be provided by the lower man for the use of the Higher to whom he prayed, so that the High Self would have sufficient earthy force to affect the dense and earthy level of life.

Prayer is not a “thinking”. It is a combination of thinking and a gesture or actual physical movement of the low self in the body – creation of mana and a giving of it.

The middle self or “conscious mind” is able to control the low self or “subconscious mind” only if there is a sufficient charge of mana or vital force in the aka or body to allow the middle self to get enough of it to use as “will.”

The accumulation of a surcharge of mana and the sending of part of it to the High Self as we make thought-forms by praying appears to be automatic only when the low self is moved by great emotion. At other times we must take the needed steps ourselves.

The High Selves need the vital force which we can supply that we must give it to them if they are able to be easily able to do the many things that affect this lower level of life and help us. It is a verification of the findings made in our study of the kahuna’s word for altar, sacrifice and worship.

It is also necessary to invite the return flow of mana-mana raised to the High-Self level of power and purity which can heal and bless. The kahuna’s asked: “Let the rain of blessings fall.” We must do the same. It seems to be a part of the act of opening the door to the help of the Aumakuas so we may have the aid they are forbidden to give unless their presence is recognized and their aid requested. One may also visualize the mana rising as in a fountain in the body, fountaining above to the Aumakua and returning to you as water to the fountain bowl. This established a complete circuit and one can then pray or treat for a long period of time without being depleted. Sleep is the natural reaction to a lack of mana. However if one successfully establishes a circular or up-and-back flow of mana, with the Aumakuas, and is careful to ask for the return flow as in the worlds, “Let the rain of blessings fall,” the mana, as the pure water-mana of “Rain” will not only be returned but will be watched for by the low self and accepted.”

- Mana or Vital Force by Freedom Leong

“We should invent a physical ritual so definite that to perform it would take all the concentration of the low self – and thus prevent it from going aimlessly through the action with you while its mind, in its behind-the-scenes department, is really engaged with something entirely different. Preliminary fasting, with sincere efforts to make amends for hurts done others, or to make general amends for lacks and faults – all these are part of the gesture we make to arrive at the beginning of the successful prayer. I know of no way to convince the stubbornly literal low self that it and its man deserves an answer to prayer except by the performance of physical acts – the use of the acts as a physical stimulus. Remember, “Faith without works….”

Some printed meditations and ritualized prayers may be very useful. But the PERFECT ritual will be the one that each person works out for himself – for the particular purpose of a specific prayer-action.”

- Mana or Vital Force by Freedom Leong

“Where love and strong emotional desire is not felt when a prayer is made, one may be sure that the low self is not doing its part, and that the prayer will be ineffective.

The basic idea of sacrifice in huna has been worked out through a study of the roots and word-symbols of words used by the kahunas (Hawaiian). Mo-hai or just hai, means “to sacrifice.” Hai gives the meaning of “to break,” and suggests the breaking in two of a thing so that half of it can be used as a sacrifice. Jesus “took bread and broke it” in the coded mystery of the “Last Supper” and his blessing and passing of the wine takes us back to the pouring of an offering or “oblation” to the gods, so common in olden days, but having behind it the great Huna mystery of “dividing the waters” that is, sharing the water or mana with the High Self. The compound word mo-hai-hoo-mana means “To sacrifice by making mana.” The symbol word idea of “to make mana” is code for accumulating a good surcharge of mana and sending it to the High Self. Hoo-mana also means “to worship.”

The word for “faith” in the sacred language is mana-a-io. Its first meaning is “to believe” but in the literal meanings as seen in the roots is: (1) “To use a surcharge of mana” (root mana plus root jo, the latter meaning “excess” of mana.) (2) “To call for a thing desired,” and “to reach out or extend, as the hand to touch something.” This shows that one must reach out along the aka cord to “touch” the High Self in order to ask for the thing desired. (All from the root o.) (3) “To be real” or, with causative hoo, “to cause to become real.” (Root io.) “Faith, if it hath not works, is dead,” becomes clear when we know that the “works” part includes the sending of the mana surcharge to the High Self as part of the overall work of having the prayer made into a reality.”

- Mana or Vital Force by Freedom Leong

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