> Great Genius Insights into Everything (74)


The Different Spheres of the Spiritual World

The Different Spheres of the Spiritual World

“The Spiritual Universe consists of many different spheres of light that radiate from all the worlds that God has created and reaches right to the heaven of heavens, the Throne of God. It is brimming with life and activity of all the creations of God in various dimensions, each fulfilling their destiny. All the human activity of the earth in this present generation and in all the history of men combined is only one tiny dot in all the activities of the Spiritual Universe.

Between the beginning of the spheres of light and the spheres of darkness that radiate from the earth is an intermediate sphere, which for lack of a better term, we shall call the earth sphere. The light spheres nearer the earth are not that dissimilar to the earth, except that everything is perfect and it does not have the ugly things of the earth. This is to enable those who at death are ready for the light of the spiritual spheres to grow and develop further in an environment familiar to them while they grow and progress to the heavens of God. Everything moves like music and harmony.”

- The Spiritual World (Peter Tan)

“There are far more colors and harmony of colors than we can perceive on this earth. Everything is more radiant and full of joy. There are two categories of spheres: one of a spiritual ether material type (a type of spiritual light matter – God said let there be light – Genesis 1:3) like the planets or solar systems in which the spheres surround; the other spheres of a soul-spiritual development type that transverse the systems. The spheres surrounding the planets or solar systems are for the growth of creatures of God through their particular system – planetary spheres.

The spheres of a soul-spiritual type are for the development of the spirit towards the fullness of God which is the centre of all these spheres – celestial spheres. These second category spheres are greater and enclose all the other spheres. Within each sphere are smaller spheres of growth at the level of the sphere in which the smaller spheres are. Like a wheel within a wheel (Ezekiel 1:15, 16). A third category of sphere, of which only a glimpse is given, is the highest and it radiates from the very Throne of God and consists of pure spirit-essence – the God-spheres. All the planetary spheres revolve around the celestial spheres which in turn revolve around the God-spheres.”

- The Spiritual World (Peter Tan)

“There are many “heavens” where the presence of God is manifested to a different degree in each sphere. All planetary spheres of God have their own heaven and progress to the heaven of heavens where God dwells. The glory of each heaven is progressively greater with the least glory in the sphere of heaven nearer the earth and the greatest glory in the sphere of heaven nearest to the heaven of heavens.

Although there are innumerable heavens in each creation of God, all the heavens and creations can be classified into three main categories: the First Heaven containing planetary spheres that belong to the particular solar systems, the Second Heaven containing the celestial spheres which belong to the space between solar systems, and the Third Heaven containing the God-spheres which radiate directly outwards from the Throne of God Himself.

The progression of spiritual growth is not just in glory alone but also in dimension until it reaches the dimension of God where all dimensions known to us of time, space, unipresence, etc. disappear because God is outside of all the dimensions which He has created. For a human spirit that has just left the mortal body, even the first sphere of light would be a paradise compared to the present physical world. There is no death or decay or any of the earthly imperfections; only love, peace and joy.”

- The Spiritual World (Peter Tan)

“God is able to manifest Himself in any part of the Spiritual Universe without leaving His throne. This manifestation takes a spiritual form with all the glory of God as tailored to the specific glory realm of the place where the revelation of God is unfolded. Angels and spirits in the highest spheres also possess a measure of this ability to project their presence in a spiritual form without leaving their places of abode. This spiritual form is alive with the life of the spirit and responsive to all the thoughts, will and emotion of the originating source. There is no natural comparison to this. Time, space and reality in the spiritual world are not as unbending as their physical counterparts (of time, space and matter). Part of the progress in the Spiritual World is to break free from always thinking in our physical three dimensional ways.”

- The Spiritual World (Peter Tan)

The Spheres of Darkness

Starting at the realm below the earth are different underworld spheres in which are spirits of men in the most grotesque forms. They are almost indistinguishable from demons. When humans in the physical realm lend themselves to evil desires and thoughts, they attract the influences of evil spirits some of which arise from the very deep darkness in Hades momentarily to try to reign over their lives (James 3:6). These evil spirits cannot remain in the earth sphere without humans of their own free will allowing themselves to be dominated by these evil spirits.

From time to time, where a community, society or city yield themselves to evil, it looks like a volcanic eruption in the spirit world when momentarily the dark fires and lava of Hades flows onto the surface of the earth subjugating the human society until spiritual light is once again restored through human vessels who yield themselves to the divine light of Christ; and the evil spirits retreat into their dark abyss.

Below the Intermediate realm, the spheres of darkness begin and reach right into the bowels of the earth. The outer realms of the spheres of darkness are like twilight but as one progresses deeper, it becomes progressively darker into the depths of Hades. Within this realm is a section of outer darkness which Jesus said has weeping and the gnashing of teeth (Matthew 8:12).

- The Spiritual World (Peter Tan)

The Intermediate Sphere

A great number of Christians of the lowest category (1 Corinthians 3:15) are found in this realm. Many of them who have lived worldly and materialistic, unholy and selfish lives remain in the lowest of the earth spheres. The love of the Father is not fully developed in their lives (1 John 2:15). They were surprised at the dimness of light which greeted them. When a spirit departs from the physical body at death it remains at the same spiritual level as it was when it died. There is no instantaneous super spiritual growth. The character the spirit had while in the physical body is the same character it retains when it leaves the body.

The measurement of true spiritual growth is Christ-likeness and not just knowledge about Christ or knowledge of His redemption. Mental knowledge does not transform a person but revelation and true heart knowledge of Christ transforms one to be like Christ. Some Christians who think that the redemption grace of Christ at the cross gives them permission to keep sinning violate the very purpose for which Christ came for them – and that is to make them in His own image, to be free from sin and bear fruit unto holiness and everlasting life (Romans 8:29; 6:15, 22).

The intermediate sphere is also primarily populated by spirits in whom there is still some light of redemption based on the light of their conscience (Romans 2:11-16). There are many different levels in the earth sphere ranging from very dry and parched landscapes to those resembling paradise as one goes higher. Many thousands of various sections, each one like a totally different country, exist within this sphere; each catering for the diversities of spiritual schools and education still necessary for those whose spirits have redemption quality and who have only a partial revelation of Christ through their conscience (Romans 2 category).

The revelation of Christ is given in varying degrees to all those in accordance to their spiritual development. Spirits in the earth sphere are not able to see all of the glory of Christ in the highest heavens but a measure of the light of Christ is given dimly at this level. Some of those humans who have OBE (out of body experiences) and NDE (near death experiences) saw this realm without seeing the light of Christ. Others saw this realm and came to know the light of Christ. Many had a genuine experience in the spirit world but did not interpret it correctly. For in this realm are thousands of redeemed souls who are now serving as ministering spirits and depending on the spiritual development of the ministering spirit assigned to humans with OBEs or NDEs, they are given only a partial knowledge of the spirit world. It is wrong of them to assume that their partial knowledge is the total knowledge of the spirit world.

For this reason some of the knowledge acquired from OBEs and NDEs seems to be contradictory to one another. For even within the spirit realm, free will is still respected and redeemed spirits progress from one level of knowledge to another level from glory to glory (2 Corinthians 3:18). No revelation is ever forced upon a redeemed spirit but each must acquire and come to know the full revelation of Christ and of God as they progress.

Everyone who physically dies on the earth enters first into this region after which they are separated either into darkness or light (Ezekiel 26:20). Ideally, spirits should not be in this sphere for long but many who lived their lives without preparation for a spiritual eternity end up spending a longer time in this realm than they should. There are a vast number of schools and very earth-like (but more perfect) worlds within this realm which exist so that spirits would not feel discomforted by the vast realities of the spiritual world. Many of those who died without preparation for life in the spiritual realm still think that they are in their body or in a dream. The light of Christ is very, very dim in this realm. Some spirits, especially those of suicides or others who pass from the physical world suddenly, are still attached to their earthly life and thoughts and keep reliving the pain of their lives in themselves.

Others, whose lives and natures are already in darkness, almost immediately plunge into the darkness of the spheres of darkness; attracted to and tormented by other spirits like themselves. Those who live in the light while on the earth almost immediately ascend to the spheres of light. Spirits in the Intermediate Sphere sometimes wander around like lost souls (some still thinking that they are physically alive) on the physical earth before they are separated into either the spheres of darkness or the spheres of light (Matthew 12:43). It is very, very important to take time to prepare for life in the spiritual world while we have physical life. God is saddened by the great numbers of people who live their physical lives without any thought or preparation for the spiritual world. The tunnel of light that many people see in death is just a passageway through the spheres of darkness that surround the earth to the intermediate realm and to the realm of the spheres of light.

- The Spiritual World (Peter Tan)

Transition Places

“Although there are many spheres in the Spiritual World, there are particular spheres which seem to be an important demarcation realm. For example, the nearest heavenly spheres to the earth are those which have a semblance of earth life (language, buildings, styles, etc.) but as one ascends into the higher glory, there is a place where earth-like styles are almost nil and when one crosses over that particular sphere or place it is like entering another grouping of glory spheres. At this place there are usually special buildings that monitor all the groups of spheres below it and also function as transition points for all those of the spheres above.

These transition points are very important as they have a dual function: a training ground for those who are ready to grow higher to the next grouping of spheres and a transmission station for those from higher spheres who, because of the greatness of their sublime nature and glory, use these stations to send blessings, communications and inspirations to specific individuals in the lower spheres.

One could ask why the spirits in the higher spheres do not come down directly if they want to impart to those lower; these are just one of the many activities of heaven instead of direct visitations. Also these places are used by those of higher spheres to adjust their glory to the lower realms before they proceed lower. There are many more universities and facilities in these transition places than in other spheres. These special places provide facilities for even spirits and angels of the highest spheres, whose glory is so bright that it might normally distress those of lower spheres, to interact with those there. There are also facilities for those of the lowest spheres to be able to be “protected” by enhancing from these facilities to interact with those from the highest spheres. The Lord Jesus, accompanied by a host of beings of the highest spheres, also manifests in various high states of glory which He otherwise could not in other spheres.”

- The Spiritual World (Peter Tan)

Ministry to the Lowest Spheres of the Intermediate Realm

“There are many and varied schools established in the Lowest Intermediate Spheres. These minister to those spirits that are earthbound and remain dazed in the realms between the earth’s crust and the Intermediate Realm. These schools range from new mission outreaches to highly developed cities (especially if they have been established over the many centuries of earth’s history. For those that are established longer – thousands of earth years – they are like countries). Each of these schools (or countries) is as different as the many countries of the earth directly below them.

There are many similarities and styles of culture of each city and country to the earthly country below them. This is not done because of the need to retain any ethnic or style of culture in the spiritual realm, rather they serve to address the weaker spirits’ comfort as they are still growing out from their old earthly ways. In the Spirit World they are also given different names according to the spiritual leaders in charge of these schools.

Some of them are like hospitals and clinics that help and strengthen the weak spirits that are arriving without much preparation for the Spiritual World. (Of course, they do not use the earthly instruments or tools but rather they use spiritual impartations and teaching to strengthen these weak spirits). It is in these realms where the spirits are so weak that there are even transportation systems within these cities and countries (Of course, they are powered by spiritual means). All the manifestations in these places are merely for the weak and earthbound spirits who still think and act as if they have physical bodies.

Higher spirits have no need of such manifestations. The design of these realms is very much earth-like without the limitations of earthly physical laws. As in every place, there are places of prayer to seek God’s help, gardens, buildings, etc. but of a much lesser glory. Many spirits of the higher realms come to these places especially when they need to aid their loved ones who are still trapped in the earthbound area. These spheres are like mission fields to higher spirits and new mission fields are constantly being formed to bring more spiritual light to these realms.”

- The Spiritual World (Peter Tan)

Examples of some ministry work in the Lowest realms

“In some of these lowest Intermediate realm hospitals there are many who have lived their lives without preparation for the Spiritual World. Many of them are prominent business people, professionals and leaders who gave no thought to the afterlife. Those who thought that they would cease to exist after physical death remain in a nightmarish stupor barely holding on to the smallest of spiritual life that is still in them. They are placed in wards with beds and are daily ministered to by the spirits who serve here. The serving spirits would place their hands on them or wave their hand over them imparting spiritual strength and nourishment.

These spirits who have been so careful to provide themselves with physical comfort and luxuries have not taken time during their lives to provide for themselves spiritually. They lie groaning and moaning, temporal physical millionaires but spiritual paupers for all eternity. Others lie in a comatose state refusing to believe that they still live on in the spirit realm. All of them have their minds, emotions and thought patterns poisoned by their lifetime of worldliness and fleshly ways. Their spiritual bodies look diseased and malnourished. If only they had used their great wealth, power and resources for spiritual good both for themselves and for others around them.

Others are so tied to their earthly habits of thinking and have earthly emotions linked to physical people or things on the earth that they are like mentally deranged people in a mental ward. They struggle with the illusions and passions of physical life created by their own thought and emotional life. Foul smells and disharmonious atmospheres fill these wards. The role of the ministering spirits here is to help remove these disharmonies from the atmosphere emitted by these sick spirits (by their thought emanations) through prayer and love.

These spirits are so contorted that they are not even capable of hearing heavenly music that would soothe and heal their souls. They have to be taught the most basic of spiritual things like small infants. When they are recovered, many of these would in turn serve others. Spirits who live in these realms do not have the spiritual capacities to communicate via thought and rely on spiritual devices (inventions of the spiritual realm) to communicate. Many of the physical earthly inventions came from devices invented in these realms because these realms do have their limitations similar to the limitations of the physical bodies on earth (although not as gross as the physical world).

Many of the spirits here still look old and aged but these “bodily forms” are merely versions of the “uglier forms” of the dark spheres. They are sufficiently redeemed to be present in these realms but not sufficiently spiritually developed to take on the youthful heavenly forms of the higher spheres. As they grow and develop and ascend to the higher spheres, they will lose these “earthly looking aged” forms and take on the true spiritual forms.”

- The Spiritual World (Peter Tan)

“Spiritual distances which are millions of light years when measured by earthly scales can be transverse in a fleeting thought but the distances can be “spiritually felt” by the density of the spiritual materiality of each sphere. The different spiritual spheres also contain different degrees of spiritual energy with the highest spheres containing the greatest pulsation of life. Because of the different degrees in which each sphere vibrates with the energy of spiritual life, those of the lowest sphere cannot see the higher spheres nor live in them until their internal spiritual life grows to the same degree of life or glory. In a similar way we cannot see the blades of a fan turning very fast, and are unable to see infra red or ultraviolet light because we do not have the internal physical eye capacity to see those wave lengths of photons.”

- The Spiritual World (Peter Tan)

“There are many spheres of existence in the nonphysical worlds. There are spheres of light, each one being more glorious and higher than the one before. There are spheres of darkness, each one being more distorted and corrupted than the one before. Earth and the physical world is right in the middle of all. The Bible focuses on Earth, Heaven and Hell. Heaven is the highest of all the spheres of light. Hell is the lowest of all the spheres of darkness. Buddhists talk about the middle path. But the true middle path is the path of extremes. When you know the extreme opposite points, you are able to know all else that is in between better. The conditions of a physical or nonphysical environment depend on the consciousness that is creating it. The better the consciousness, the better will be the reality that is manifested.

Heaven is created by the Perfect Mind of Christ. It is the most beautiful, the most glorious and the most wonderful of all the spheres of existence. Corrupt men cannot create a perfect world. Man, evil spirits and Satan created Hell with their darkened consciousness. God’s perfect consciousness never created any Hell. In the afterlife, Man will experience the nonphysical environment according to his state of consciousness. The more negative and chaotic consciousness will create a more hellish experience. With the assistance of Christ Consciousness and Divine Influence, Man’s consciousness will rise into the higher spheres of light. Christians who received Christ into their hearts are hid in Christ. Therefore they are taken straight into the Heavenly Realms after they pass on from Earthly life. Souls in the nonphysical worlds ascend into higher and more glorious spheres of light according to the level of revelation that they have about Christ who is the Personal Aspect of God revealed to all of His Creation.”

- Enoch Mind Reality


Understanding the Eternal Plan of God

Understanding the Eternal Plan of God

“From the very beginning of creation (Genesis 1:1), it has always been God’s plan to reveal Himself to us. To God, the creation of the time dimension and us as His creation was all part of the process of His revelation. From us as His creation, we progress forwards in time (measured by movements on the physical earth and measured by events in the Spiritual World) and it seems as if the past creates the future. From God’s perspective it is always the future (the final plan He has framed) which determines all events and powerfully shapes the purpose and basis for everything of the past and present towards the completed future.

It is the future which affects the past and the present. This includes all intervention in the cause of events, past and present, where the free will of His creation tries to push it away from the predetermined path of the completed future plan of God. For this reason even from the inception of creation, God has ordained that the event of the Lamb of God, slain before the foundation of the world, as the central revelation of His love towards us (Revelations 13:8).”

- The Spiritual World (Peter Tan)

The Future changes the Past

“The future conceived in the mind brings about the desire to change the present using all the tools of the past. An architect conceives a design for a building. Once he completes the entire drawing and blueprint, the contractor uses the blueprint and constructs the physical building. Now if we acknowledge that what the architect conceived is a vision or perception of what he sees the future of the plot of land or old building site can be, then the future has created changes to the present.

From the Spiritual World perspective, every single idea or thought that has ever come to all humans arises first in the spiritual realm of thoughts. This realm of thoughts is heavily manipulated and activated by spirits from the Spiritual World in the struggle between light and darkness over the planet earth. From this pool of overall direction and confluence of thoughts, mature spirits can predict the future outcome even before they happen on the physical plane. As humans on earth pick up these thoughts, they become the instruments for bringing to pass on the physical plane that which is conceived in the spiritual realm. The whole spiritual battle is thus always in the thought realm (2 Corinthians 10:4-6).”

“Now as God retains control and supervision over all His creation to ensure that His plans and purposes are ultimately fulfilled, God releases His flow of thoughts and wisdom upon this realm of thoughts both directly and through His angels. He releases just sufficient so that it does not overpower the free will of His creation but it keeps the balance of forces in check so that the overall direction is always towards His eternal plan. These are the revelations of His works which He has prepared beforehand and finished before the foundation of the world (Ephesians 2:10; Hebrews 4:3).

Men and women, who are on earth and whose lives and nature are sensitive and predisposed to various types of thoughts, pick up these thoughts in their minds and when they finally receive comprehension of them in time, begin to act upon them thus bringing them to pass. In vision and conception, these thoughts are seen as completed (finished works) but as far as the physical world is concerned still something in the future time.

The reception of those thoughts which are from God result in living works and the reception of those which are from darkness result in dead works (Hebrews 4:10-12; 9:14). Words and thoughts from God produce a union with Him which results in a fruitful life (John 6:63; 15:1-8). Words and thoughts from darkness cause bondages (strongholds), trespasses and sin (Ephesians 2:1-3; 2 Corinthians 10:4). The seed of the future within us is the only force that is moving us forward. We only need to ensure that it is the seed of God to guarantee success (1 John 3:9; 5:4). The engine of the whole human race is hope and faith. Where hope and faith dies, everything dies and reverts backwards. It is the future (received in us) that changes the past and the present.”

- The Spiritual World (Peter Tan)

Time is the Explanation and Understanding of Eternity

“Through the invention of the computer, the internet, radio, wireless communication and nanotechnology, mankind would be able to manipulate matter across time and space. These things are made possible through the discovery of electricity. What if there are more forces to be discovered that will facilitate whole new ranges of technology that will enable man to gain more and more scientific control of the universe that span into supernatural levels? What if the division between physical and spiritual is merely arbitrary and there are merely different gradients of understanding and connectivity between the two? Time is the Explanation and Understanding of Eternity. Time is the cross-section of Eternity and Eternity is the DNA of Time. Time will always unfold according to the plans of Eternity. The Future created the Past, and the Past builds into the revelation of the Future. As Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscient Beings that are Timeless, All Powerful, can go anywhere and do anything and are practically Everything, We as God, the Collective One, decided to create Time to explain, understand and experience Ourselves/Self. It was for the purpose of explaining a Logical Progression to how we became what We Are. This is the path of the Evolution of Consciousness. We created a Starting Point to explain our End Point. We make our Eternal Present as the Ultimate Future by creating a beginning point of reference. We start with the basic environment of just trees and nature, and then we evolve into developing tools, using tools to discover elements of the periodic table and the forces of nature, and developing technology to harness it, and eventually manipulate and transform it like God. Therefore it is reasonable to say that those existing in the higher dimensions that aid us in our development are considered “Us in the Future” or our “Future Selves”. Time is an illusion and the separation between past, present and future and merely a separation of lower and higher dimensions. The higher dimensions are the future, and the lower dimensions are the past. If you can access and communicate information across dimensions, you can access and communicate information from the future and the past.

It is said that those who seek God on the scientific path are travelling up the mountain where when they arrive at the top, they will find that those who know Him by Faith are already there all along. But the difference is, those who took the scientific path will have engineered a pathway where they are able to move back and forth, transverse worlds and go anywhere and do anything with full understanding and precision. Whereas those who took the shortcut to God by faith alone can only sit in one place and can’t move as freely or knowledgeably anywhere else. Real faith is not blind faith. Real faith includes seeing and understanding everything and in every way. The Eternal Realm operates by Faith, and the Time Dimension operates by Experience. Faith alone is not God’s complete plan, otherwise he would not have created Mankind. The Angels already know Him by Faith. God’s plan includes Experiencing Him. Complete faith includes Experience, and the Ultimate Experience of God leads to Perfected Faith. The Bible says God created all things by Jesus Christ the True Avatar of God, and Jesus is Alpha and Omega, the Author and Finisher/Perfecter of Faith.”

- Enoch Tan (Creator of Mind Reality)

“Evolution is the development of the energy of the universe in such a way that it has an increasing ability to consciously control itself and the universe around it. It is a progressive change from the unconscious to the conscious. We are the universe trying to comprehend itself. Man is the corporeal manifestation of the universe trying to control its own destiny. Man is God in the process of coming into existence.”

- James Hart

Light to the Planet Earth

“There are those angels and spirits who take part under the command of the Lord Jesus who become bearers of light towards the earth. This is done through a coordinated effort in which as a group, they become channels and enhancers of the light of Christ into the dark spheres by descending in a multi-sphere formation towards the darkness that surrounds the earth. The light of Jesus flows into them in a similar way in which light flows through an optic fibre cable and is enhanced at regular points onwards towards its destination. When this takes place it causes spiritual pressure upon the dark forces surrounding the earth as it is compressed downwards. Due to this compressed spiritual pressure, the darkness breaks upon the earth and at first, great evil seems to be released upon the earth that affects mankind and causes great suffering in wars, catastrophes, etc.

Although darkness seems to reign on the earth it is only temporary. The angels and spirits involved feel the suffering of mankind and have great love for humanity but they know that this is a necessary phase. Eventually due to this spiritual pressure of light upon the darkness of the earth, openings occur in the darkness surrounding the earth and the light breaks through to shine steadfastly upon humans living on the earth. This light leads mankind towards spirituality and brings man God-ward towards Christ. These events in the spiritual realm take place regularly and each event can be (in human terms) over several centuries with the ripples being felt over scores of years like waves of change in the human field of science, politics, religion, economics, etc. Note the wave of great evil and suffering that occurred before the exodus and before Jesus’ incarnation (Exodus 1:8-16; Matthew 2:16-18).”

- The Spiritual World (Peter Tan)

“Even in the heavens, all the creation of God from the lowest spheres to the highest spheres are seeking to know God and to love Him. Every sphere has schools, universities and places of God’s manifestation, each learning and seeking to understand our Awesome God. As true knowledge of God is acquired, a glory transformation occurs to those who understand that particular level of knowledge. In billions of earth years, the highest spheres that have pre-existed planet earth are still coming to the knowledge of God.

There is so much to know of God that all the languages of humans are incapable of expressing who He really is. Even the word “God” is insufficient to express who He is. He is truly omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient but when we use the word “person” to refer to God it is an incomplete description because God is beyond time, beyond space, beyond energy and beyond “person.” He is the source, the creator and the sustainer of all life – all of our being and existence are in Him. He is the Supreme Being our Father God.

Our Lord Jesus Christ is the manifestation of the Supreme Being our Father God in time, space and energy in person simultaneously to all His creations (all of the Spiritual Universe) – so that all His creations can relate to God. Our Lord Jesus Christ and the Supreme Being our Father God are one. The Holy Spirit is the manifestation of the Supreme Being our Father God who “fills,” “sustains,” and “is” all time, all space and all energy. The Holy Spirit and the Supreme Being our Father God are one. Thus our Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit are one. We can understand why for eternities, we will be learning and growing in knowing God.”

- The Spiritual World (Peter Tan)

“There is an interesting phenomenon in the Spiritual World whereby angels and spirits in the highest spheres closest to God receive the life and light of God and pass it downwards through each sphere. There are no human words to describe it. It is like a “refraction” of light and life through the beings in the highest spheres downwards. But this life energy that goes through each of these beings is somehow enhanced and changed according to the characteristics of each being. Thus although it is the same light and energy, it now has an added “flavor” as it is transmitted to the spirits in the next sphere.

This work and activity is very specific and each partaking of the life, love and light of God is exactly for the one receiving it and is passed on specifically to the spirits of which they are in charge. This flows down the line (without getting weaker) through all the spheres until it reaches the earth sphere and downwards towards the planet earth. Some of these are commands and expressions of God’s Will which are communicated in ways which each sphere can receive and understand; thus the need to pass on through the various spirits or angels in charge as the higher sphere is always invisible to those lower. They can also be gifts and strengthenings that are imparted to enhance and increase the transformation towards the glory of God.

As each sphere is still growing and has its limitation of glory and understanding, it relies on those in the higher sphere to communicate and clarify the outflows of God’s life, love and light from His throne. The last one in this chain of blessing is usually the human on planet earth who receives it from his guardian angels and ministering spirits. Perhaps this was the phenomenon observed when our Lord Jesus was speaking to the angels of the seven churches in the book of Revelation (Chapters 2 and 3). This does not mean that God could not have manifested Himself through Christ directly to an individual. He does so from time to time. This activity is just one of the multiple processes of delightful work in heaven which God allows His creation to partake in.”

- The Spiritual World (Peter Tan)

Events from the Foundation of Creation

“We were created in the Holy Spirit and chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world (Ephesians 1:4). God knew us by name and our names were written in the Book of Life before the foundation of the world (Jeremiah 1:5; Psalm 139:16; John 10:3, 14-15, 27-30; Revelation 17:8). Details of our individual destinies were planned and all the works were completed in the Spirit before time itself existed (Psalm 139:16; Ephesians 2:10; Hebrews 4:3).

We were all created through God the Word, who later revealed Himself on planet earth in human history as Christ Jesus (John 1:1-3; Matthew 1:21-23; Philippians 2:6-11; John 17:24). The Word brought forth the spiritual force of wisdom which fashioned us and all creation before the foundation of the earth (Job 38:4; Proverbs 3:19; 8:12-31; 1 Corinthians 1:30; Colossians 2:2-3, 9-10; 3:16).

We all follow a path of growth in God and at a certain point of development, and in order to develop the fullness of free choice and self-awareness, there is a requirement along the path of growth in God to assume physical bodies with limited knowledge and wrestle with the full power of free choice (Jeremiah 1:5; Romans 9:11; Galatians 1:15; Deuteronomy 30:11-20; Romans 10:8, 9). There is a potential risk (because of the power of free choice) that one moves away from God instead of towards God but it is an important growth step to be taken.

We need to also note that there are different levels of the ‘physical manifestations’ and not all the ‘physical worlds’ created by God have life forms at the same frequency as the ‘physical earth manifestation’ which is mineral carbon-based, water-based and oxygen-based. There are many other physical dimensions which are invisible to our physical eyes upon which other forms of ‘physical life’ can be based. There are myriads of other worlds within various galaxies and universes which God has created (Hebrews 11:3).”

“At some point, eons ago in the pre-Adamic earth, there was an entire civilization that existed before Genesis 1:3 on planet earth. Some of the fossils discovered are from the pre-Adamic world and not from the post-Adamic world. There was harmony between the inhabitants and the spiritual heavenly realms (when there is harmony the physical and the spiritual interact easily like Adam and Eve before the fall) but a rebellion took place involving Lucifer (Ezekiel 28:2-19; Isaiah 14:12-21). The entire pre Adamic earth and the portion of the Milky Way Galaxy around our Solar System was cast into darkness with about one third of spirits falling and taking the path away from God (Revelation 12:4).

The earth and its surrounding space became void and dark (Genesis 1:2) although it was not originally created that way (Genesis 1:1; Isaiah 45:18). Many different places of spiritual darkness and imprisonments for fallen spirits came into existence. Although generally known as hell in the English language, the Greek language gives different names to some of these different places: Hades (Matthew 11:23; 16:18; 16:23; Acts 2:27, 31; Revelation 1:18; 6:8; 20:13, 14 – Sheol in Hebrew – Deuteronomy 32:22; Psalms 9:17; 139:8; Isaiah 5:14; Ezekiel 31:16), Gehenna (Matthew 5:22; 23:33; James 3:6), Tartarus (2 Peter 2:4), Brugmos – place of gnashing teeth (Matthew 8:12; 13:42, 50; 22:13; 24:51; 25:30; Luke 13:28), Exoteros – outer darkness (Matthew 8:12; 22:13; 25:30), Anudros – dry place (Matthew 12:43; Luke 11:24), Lake of Fire (Revelation 19:20; 20:10, 14, 15; 21:8).

When God commanded light to shine in Genesis 1:3, it was a fresh recreation as He began to banish the darkness from the physical earth. When God breathed into the physical body which He had made for Adam, the spirit of Adam came into the physical body and Adam was given free choice and self-awareness (soul) in a physical body (Genesis 2:4). The time was also ripe for the revelation of Christ to be brought forth in the post-Adamic lineage (Genesis 3:15; 1 Peter 1:20; Hebrews 9:26; 1 Corinthians 15:45-49).

Attempts were made by the fallen spirits of the pre-Adamic world to corrupt the Adamic race but they were dealt with and imprisoned in chains of darkness (Genesis 6:1-8; 2 Peter 2:4, 5; Jude 6). It was with the Adamic race that Christ sought to reveal the manifold wisdom of God’s love and mercy hidden from the past ages (Romans 11:11-36; Ephesians 3:5-11; 1 Peter 1:10-12, 20-21; Matthew 13:35; 25:34; John 17:24). There is a final confrontation between the remnant of fallen spirits of the pre-Adamic world and Christ before the final completion of this part of the Galaxy into a new earth and a new heaven (Revelation 9:1-21; 12:7-17; 19:19-20; 20:1-3, 7-10, 14; 21:1).”

- The Spiritual World (Peter Tan)

The Revelation of the Lamb of God

“Even before the foundation of all creation, God knew that the elements of free choice and self-awareness given to His creation would result in the abuse and misuse of powers, forces and energies which He originally gave in benevolent love. These powers, forces and energies were to be used in beneficial unconditional love with pure selflessness but free choice and selfishness can turn the very same good into disharmonious energies which need an avenue to reverse and restore them into their original state of harmony. Thus He also included in His plan when He created time and spirits, the revelation of the Lamb of God slain before the foundation of the earth (Revelation 13:8; 1 Peter 1:20; Ephesians 1:3-5).

At the cross of Calvary, a cosmic battle ensued with consequences which shook and vibrated forwards and backwards in time and dimensions as the Spirit of Life in Jesus took hold of all the confluence of disharmonies flowing from all time and dispensations and restored them back into divine harmony with Almighty God. That which was ordained before the foundation of the world was unfolded for all the creations of God as the Lamb of God obediently fulfilled the plan of the ages (Revelation 5:1-14). All the power of the redemption of Christ was concentrated upon the cross and its impact flowed backwards in time as well as forwards in time (Matthew 8:17; 1 Peter 1:20-21; 2:24).

The eternal plan of God was not just a cleansing work in the redemption of Christ but the impartation of the life of God through the redemption of Christ (John 3:5-6, 16; 6:48, 53; 10:10, 28; 11:25; 14:6). Physical blood has always been equated with life (Genesis 9:4-6; Leviticus 17:11-14; Deuteronomy 12:23; Hebrews 9:11-28). The key to understanding the power of the blood is not just to see it ‘like a cleansing, bleaching agent’ which washes us white as snow (Isaiah 1:18; Revelation 7:15), although this does happen. Rather it is in reality to receive the Life of Jesus into us (Romans 5:9-10; 6:4-11; Romans 6:4-11; 8:2, 11). Thus a head knowledge of the redemption of Christ does not change us but rather the infusion of the Life of Jesus transforms us (James 2:19, 26; Romans 8:15-17).”

- The Spiritual World (Peter Tan)

“In the Spirit World, there is a vast difference between spirits who are still learning and progressing in the various schools in the spiritual realm (Romans 2 category) and those who have learned to receive the Life of Jesus through union with Him. Those who learn to open themselves to the light, love and life of Jesus shine much brighter than those who choose to explore the various myriads of schools in the Spirit World and grow through their various stages of teachings.

Many of those spirits in the various schools do not realize that in the end they would find that all their great learning and understanding was actually flowing through various channels from Jesus Himself. These include many Christians who have not learned to have a deep relationship and union with Jesus but who had only filled their lives with teachings about Jesus; much of which are filled with their own prejudices and their own theology about God. It is the desire of Jesus to bring us to the position of glory where He is, one in the Godhead of the Father (John 17:24).”

- The Spiritual World (Peter Tan)

Complete Harmony and Union with God

“The eternal call and purpose of God in creating all of us is that as we develop our uniqueness and self-awareness to the fullest extent through all the Spiritual World spheres, we also grow towards a more complete union with Him through Christ Jesus. This harmony is achieved through Him completely being in us and we being completely in Him – His fullness of life in us and our fullness of life in Him. It is the supreme desire of Jesus to bring us to the place where He is in the Godhead of the Father, that we may behold the fullness of the glory of God (John 17:21-24).

There are degrees of union with God. In the revelation of God throughout the Bible, it is always the revelation of the desire of God to inhabit His people. In the Old Testament, it was through the tabernacle and temple in their midst and in the New Testament, we have become His living temples (Exodus 25:22; 40:35; 2 Chronicles 5:14; 1 Corinthians 6:19; 1 Peter 2:5). We are no longer limited to worship Him by place or time but are free to worship in spirit and in truth (John 4:23. 24). We have become His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all, a habitation of God in the Spirit (Ephesians 1:23; 2:22).

It is important to start this walk in union with Christ on earth and complete its fullness in the Spiritual World (John 15:1-5). It begins with His Word, life and love in us and we in Him (John 15:7; Romans 5:5). We need to continue to let the fullness of Christ be in us as we are in Him (Ephesians 3:17-19). When Christ who is our life appears, we shall also appear with Him in glory (Colossians 3:4). As we behold Him, we are transformed into the same image (2 Corinthians 3:18).”

- The Spiritual World (Peter Tan)


The Science of Spiritual Time, Space and Energy

The Science of Spiritual Time, Space and Energy

“God, who Always Is, created all time, space and energy. Since God does not exist in these limits, we cannot imagine the dimension of God (since as His creation, we always think of existence in terms of time, space and energy). Those who try to define God by these limits are attempting to describe God from the human point of view. Try to imagine a dimension where time does not exist, space does not exist and energy does not exist and at the same time contains all of time, all of space and all of energy. The whole spiritual and physical universe created by God with all its life and inhabitants exists within time, space and energy (although the substance of spiritual time, spiritual space and spiritual energy is beyond the physical manifestations of physical linear time, linear space and linear energy).

When God first created, He spoke and spiritual light came into being (Genesis 1:3). This light was not just natural light (photons) but it is a spiritual substance that cannot be seen or measured in the physical world. (Natural light is only a mere natural attribute of the formation of stars and suns). This original spiritual light contains the substance of time, space and energy.”

- The Spiritual World (Peter Tan)

“There is a difference between spiritual time, spiritual space and spiritual energy and physical time, physical space and physical energy. Physical time is linear and measured by vibrations or movements of atoms or the rotations of heavenly bodies. Physical space is linear and measured by physical distance. Physical energy is linear and measured by velocity or frequencies or vibration. In order to understand spiritual concepts, we need to understand that there is also psychological time (where events can seem short or long based on our interest), psychological space (where distance can seem near or far based on our awareness) and psychological movement or velocity (where we seem to be moving even if another object of our attention is the one that moves – backwards or forwards – or the reverse where something else seems to be moving – like the sun around the earth – when it is actually we who moved).

The spiritual concept of time, space and energy is similar to the psychological concept of time, space and energy. The spiritual world experiences time through events, experiences space through thoughts and experiences energy through the spiritual life vibrating or pulsating from the spirit heart (which has its life origin from God). All of the Spiritual Universes still experience the concept of time, space and life but not in the same limited earth manner.”

- The Spiritual World (Peter Tan)

“The soul areas of man: intellect, will and emotions, were created to experience all the fullness of the dimensions of time, space and energy. We were not to be limited or dominated by these dimensions but rather learn to manipulate and be dominant over them. When we are freed from our physical body and become spirit beings, we are able to grow and learn to progress in our domination over these three dimensions of God’s creation. Even now we have a measure of the powers of the age to come (Hebrews 6:5). Consciousness is like the frequency, motion or energy aspect, the Will is like the propulsion or space aspect and Feelings are like the time aspect.”

- The Spiritual World (Peter Tan)

“Spiritual distances which are millions of light years when measured by earthly scales can be transverse in a fleeting thought but the distances can be “spiritually felt” by the density of the spiritual materiality of each sphere. The different spiritual spheres also contain different degrees of spiritual energy with the highest spheres containing the greatest pulsation of life. Because of the different degrees in which each sphere vibrates with the energy of spiritual life, those of the lowest sphere cannot see the higher spheres nor live in them until their internal spiritual life grows to the same degree of life or glory. In a similar way we cannot see the blades of a fan turning very fast, and are unable to see infra red or ultraviolet light because we do not have the internal physical eye capacity to see those wave lengths of photons.”

- The Spiritual World (Peter Tan)

“The physical material world is of the lowest life and lowest frequency of glory. It is “like a heavy condensation of the spiritual substance of spiritual light.” For lack of a better word, I would need to use the word “astral” hereby defined as the realm between the spiritual and the material to describe some mysteries of the material creation. From the spiritual substance of the spiritual light that came forth in God’s original creation, spiritual matter is first formed. Different proportions of spiritual time, spiritual space and spiritual energy formed different types of spiritual matter (xT × yS × zE = Various Spiritual substances).

All the different spheres of the Spiritual Universes consist of the differing proportions of this light substance through differing proportions of time, space and matter. In a similar manner, natural light (photons) has three properties of frequency (related to spiritual frequency, energy or vibration), of wave length (related to the spiritual space), and a physical time dimension (related to spiritual time). For this reason, some aspects of God’s creations are completely invisible to inhabitants of a spiritual world made from other proportions of the spiritual substance of time, space and energy. Spirits created by God progress in their growth through the spiritual spheres experiencing the different dimensions and beauty of God’s creation.

The lives of the spirits are not dependent on the spiritual substances of time, space and energy of their solar systems or galaxies but rather their lives come from God directly but their manifest forms take on the substances of the respective world, solar system or galaxies in which they were first given life – their forms changing from glory to glory as they progress in their walk with God through the various spheres.”

- The Spiritual World (Peter Tan)

“When a human dies, they only leave behind the physical dimension but their life continues clothed in a lighter dimension of this spiritual matter (lighter in comparison to physical material). Of course, even this “lighter dimension” when compared with the higher spheres of glory is “heavy.” Imagine that there are countless other spheres higher in glory and you can imagine how heavy the earthly spheres must seem to spirits who are from God’s highest throne.

As spirits grow in glory through the spheres, they take on the “lighter” spiritual substances of the higher sphere. Thus spirits from the higher spheres can be invisible to those of the lower spheres but the spirits of the lower spheres are always visible to spirits in the higher spheres. When the higher spirits visit the lower spheres, they take on the substance of the lower sphere and when a lower spirit visits the higher spheres they are temporarily shielded with a covering so that they won’t feel uncomfortable in the greatness of the lighter substance of higher glory.”

- The Spiritual World (Peter Tan)

“God exists outside of all time, space and energy; and is in a dimension and realm beyond all our understanding at the moment. The Spiritual dimension consists of all the Spiritual spheres in their various states of glory. The highest spiritual spheres are sublime and lighter whilst the lowest spiritual spheres are less glorious but still made up of a spiritual substance. The ethereal/astral dimension is separate from the spiritual dimension in that the spiritual substance takes another dimensional shift (ethereal/astral particles) before the material dimension of physical matter.”

- The Spiritual World (Peter Tan)

“The spiritual substance of spiritual light cannot become physical material without first passing through another dimension. (Remember that each dimension of spiritual substance is formed by different proportions of spiritual time, spiritual space and spiritual energy). This dimension between the physical material dimension and the spiritual dimension is called the ethereal/astral dimension – the deep (Genesis 1:2). The ethereal/astral dimension is likened to the dimension when water vapor (H2O) becomes liquid (water) and then solid (ice) (Genesis 1:2 – waters of the deep; Job 38:30; Psalms 42:7; 104:5-6; Proverbs 8:27, 28; Habakkuk 3:10). It is like the mould in which water is poured before it is made into different shapes of ice.

All physical matter has its ethereal/astral form before its physical form. Ethereal/astral forms are formed by ethereal/astral elements whilst physical forms are formed from atomic particles of protons, neutrons and electrons. There are four types of ethereal/astral elements which make up the ethereal/astral mineral life. They possess a measure of energy life force just like atoms and molecules possess energy. And as physical cells are formed from DNA which are combinations of four nucleotides (ACGT), ethereal/astral cells are formed from the four ethereal/astral elements of mineral life which are: earth type (E), fire type (F), water type (W) and air type (A).

The four ethereal/astral elements, although named as earth, fire, water and air are not like their physical element counterparts but rather relate (or have its physical shadow form) to the four primal forces of physics: earth relating to the force of gravity, fire relating to electromagnetic force, water relating to the strong force and air to the weak force.

These “ethereal/astral DNA” form ethereal/astral cells which in turn form three higher ethereal/astral life forms: plant life, animal life and human life. Because the physical realm is patterned after the invisible realm, what we see as physical DNA (ACGT) is patterned after the invisible “ethereal/astral DNA” (EFWA) (Romans 1:20; 2 Corinthians 4:18; Hebrews 11:3).

The ethereal/astral realm is affected by the thought energy that flows from all humans. It is also affected by the emotions and will of humans. Just as our physical bodies are constantly renewing each cell daily through our physical food; our ethereal/astral forms are constantly renewing their ethereal/astral cells through absorption of ethereal/astral life energy. Our thoughts have an effect on our ethereal/astral forms which then have a psychosomatic effect on our physical bodies.”

- The Spiritual World (Peter Tan)

“The Jewish philosopher, Maimonides, speaks of the four elements of fire, water, earth and air as the foundation of the form (golem) of all things. In almost all the different philosophies of the earth’s different cultures, there is an aspect of understanding, passed on from ancient days, of the astral elements and life-force. Most of it has been corrupted through the years and modern science has de-throned these philosophies as the error of ancient times before the atomic particles of matter were discovered. However, as modern science explores the realm of the spiritual, mental and sub-atomic forces of matter there will arise a need to re-examine the physical laws of physics and include a study of the laws of ethereal/astral physics.”

“A great number of unexplained phenomena in the physical world that defy the natural laws of physics are operating on the higher laws of ethereal/astral physics. The Hado effect (discovered by Dr Masaru Emoto) of water molecules through thoughts and words is caused by the effect of thoughts upon the ethereal/astral element of water. Sometimes individuals are born with a certain constituency of their ethereal/astral form having an effect upon certain mineral life through psycho-kinesis.

The seeming materialization of things from the spiritual realm is done merely by those who have acquired skills to manipulate the ethereal/astral realm.”

- The Spiritual World (Peter Tan)

“Sometimes whole communities are “held strongly” by a certain thought pattern and fear. In doing so they produce a “strong” astral form of fear over their community which seems to take a life of its own. The astral form of fear “seems” to have a life of its own because it is being fed by the fear energy of the community. It seems to suck the life energy out of every new person who comes to the community.

At other times, individuals surround themselves with astral forms that torment themselves, feeding off their own energy. The worst cases “see things” which nobody else sees – these are merely the astral forms that they themselves have produced.

Evil spirits are able to manipulate these negative astral forms and energy to affect the natural world through weather, “natural” disasters, or some materializing that causes harm to humans. The manifestation of new forms of sicknesses and diseases are also part of the work of these evil spirits. In the spiritual world, the simplest desire or free choice of a person not to be tormented by such negative emotions or thoughts causes a spiritual force shield around the person and his family or property that no astral form nor any evil spirit can penetrate. It is like a shield of fire around them.”

- The Spiritual World (Peter Tan)

“Probably the best description of the ethereal/astral realm in the Bible is to call it the “ethereal/yetzer” realm. It is the realm where the “imaginations” of men are a reality in the invisible realm which will manifest in the material realm. God told Moses to write a song of warning and reminder to the Israelites because He could see into their yetzer and knew that it would be a definite manifestation in their future that they would rebel against Him and He desired that they would turn back to Him when that event occurred (Deuteronomy 31:21).

The flood of Noah was sent not just because of the acts of evil men but also because of the yetzer of evil men, which would have manifested physically (Genesis 6:5). Yetzer has been translated as “frame” and “thing made” in the Bible (Psalm 103:14; Isaiah 29:16). The astral form is the “frame” for the material body. The worlds were framed by the Word of God (Hebrews 11:3). Before our material body was made, our “frame” or ethereal/astral form was created first (Psalms 139:15 – Amplified Bible translates the depths of the earth as a region of darkness and mystery – which could easily refer to the Ethereal/astral sphere).”

- The Spiritual World (Peter Tan)

“There are many differing concepts of the astral realm among the various occult religions and some of their concepts contradict one another. The true ethereal/astral plane is the lowest ethereal substance realm that is parallel to the earth and it is the realm that is the ethereal/astral blue print for all things created in the natural realm (Romans 1:20; 2 Corinthians 4: 18; Hebrews 11:3). The material DNA (ACGT nucleotides) that is the fabric of natural life has its counterpart in the “ethereal/astral DNA” (EFWA ethereal/astral elements), which is the invisible substance counterpart to physical DNA.

All the above descriptions and classifications of the dimensions of the Spirit World are merely my feeble human attempt to describe in earthly language that which was seen and experienced. The dimensions are real and true but my descriptions of them may be imperfect: there is a dimension of God (beyond time, space and energy), dimensions of the Spiritual World with all its various spheres of light which enclose the dark spheres, a dimension of an ethereal/astral state that is parallel to the material world (which I have called the ethereal/astral or ethereal/yetzer sphere), and the dimension of the physical world from the spiritual viewpoint. Thus my definition of the ethereal/astral sphere differs from others; it is merely a necessary realm that frames the material world and all physical life.”

- The Spiritual World (Peter Tan)

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